Recent content by muharram23

  1. muharram23

    A Muslim Inside an American Priest's House

    Salamu alaykum May Allah guide us Ameen. However, there is a lot of propaganda against Islam especially the women in Islam. We can not just take things as facts quickly from the Internet as it needs to b verified. Just remember, anyone can put hijab on and we might assume right away they...
  2. muharram23

    Advice on Photography

    Salamu alaykum What can be understood from the fataws is that everyone agrees that merely taking pics and photographs for fun without legit reason is not allowed and should b stayed away from. The issue and differences rise about if that falls under the understanding of those who make images...
  3. muharram23

    Sufizam - vjekovna rak-rana islamskog ummeta

    Wa alaykumussalam Bosnian, ur in Bosnian section
  4. muharram23

    Why did not the Muslims help the Libyans?

    Salamu alaykum Should we really bealive that the non Muslims will ever support a group that wants to estAblish shariah as a law of the country.??? That was never the case but Muslims still believe it will happen. It will happen inshallah one day when Muslims become Muslims full time and not...
  5. muharram23

    married member's advice needed .......

    Salamu alaykum Oh there have been gazillion threads opened on this topic. Just need to search the website. Jazakallah khair Wassalam
  6. muharram23

    Muslim Beard ?'s

    Salamu alaykum Having a beard is obligation. It is obedience to Allah and His messenger. Cutting it is disobedience to Allah an His messenger. I we disobey Allah who is the one giving us provisions than how we expect we will get provisions or I your case, the job? Plus, they never said...
  7. muharram23

    Fake policee please read!!!!!

    Assalaamu alaykum Just received this from a brother and thought it was beneficial. Some knew about the red light on cars, but not the*!112.*! It was about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, and*!Lauren*!was driving to visit a friend. An*!UNMARKED police car*!pulled up behind her and put...
  8. muharram23

    plz,plz,plz reply with patience

    Salamu alaykum If we do not posses enough knowledge about a matter than we should not engulf into it. It is better to give links, videos etc that people of knowledge have answered. If we are not strong enough in our faith and we try to show people their mistakes and we are not capable to do...
  9. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum Inshallah one day. As of now let's make duah Allah changes the condition of this ummah for the better. This is the only thing we can do now. May Allah guide this ummah to be upon what the first believers were upon. Ameen Wassalam
  10. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum U guys Don't have any points? I'm waiting! Wasaalam
  11. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum I don't c u burning night clubs. But ofcourse as usually just talk but someone else do the work. When ur in charge inshallah then u can do things but since ur not remain quiet. Is better for u. Wassalam
  12. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum People like u are many who just talk about problems but don't do nothing about it. The prophet :saw: fought the quraish after 13 years of dawah of tawhid to his people. How many Muslims know what tawhid is? Peple make duah to graves, wear talismans seek blessings and...
  13. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum Good point, how many Muslims wake up to pray fajr but we want shariah. That shows people how little they understand. We can't change ourselves but we want to change the country and world. Can u Change ur own boss at work and make him rule by book of Allah :). If people...
  14. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum Mashallah, you must be a lawyer and got all the proofsto make a claim like that. To say "all" you have to be very accurate. Cause if we are not all what u claim than if we were in an islamic country or shariah as u want so much, the judge would lash u in public for false claim...
  15. muharram23

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Salamu alaykum Ok since we always talk about problems in the Muslim world, let's try to bring solutions to the problem, and yes in a peaceful way. Please provide your suggestions with the more important first than least important. Only 5 points please. Barakallah feek this will show us...