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  1. Signor

    Islamic Perspectives on Trials and Tribulations

    Are you a believer having faith in Allah and the Hereafter? Then prepare yourself for trials and tribulations with knowledge from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, for the believer’s heart and soul will for sure be put to test to check the level of faith and trust he/she has in Allah (swt)...
  2. Signor

    Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid

    Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid 1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves. You don’t see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they’ve been mistreated. They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and...
  3. Signor

    Dealing with Worries and Stress

    Dealing with Worries and Stress by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid Let us now discuss some of the different kinds of remedies and treatments taught by Islam: 1. Equipping oneself with eemaan (faith), accompanied by righteous deeds. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whoever works...
  4. Signor

    Qur'anic du'as with 'Rabbi'

    B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m 1. My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits,-such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day [2:126] Rabbi aj'al hadha baladaan aminan, waarzuq 'ahlahu mina ath-thamarati man amana minhum billahi wal-yawmal...
  5. Signor

    Aligning Our Time to Life’s Purpose and Priorities

    Are we making the best use of our time in this life? Are we to simply pass our time in whatever way possible so that we can get to the hereafter? How are we to balance our time across various aspects of this life? Is there a right balance? Are our life’s priorities purpose driven? These are...
  6. Signor

    Ways To Avoid Marrying The Wrong Person

    There is a right way and a wrong way to get to know someone for marriage. The wrong way is to get caught up in the excitement and nuance of a budding relationship and in the process completely forget to ask the critical questions that help determine compatibility. One of the biggest mistakes...
  7. Signor

    American Baby:Lessons from Converting to Islam

    1. It Gets Easier The beginning is always the hardest. You've found the truth, fulfillment, and a sense of peace you never imagined possible. A handful of people can't wait to share Islam with their families, but for most of us, breaking the news to parents, grandparents, relatives, and...
  8. Signor

    Tips for the Convert Muslim

    1. Practice Islam as much as you can “He who loves my Sunnah has loved me, and he who loves me will be with me in Paradise.” -The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Tirmidhi) As a new Muslim, you will have trouble keeping up with prayers every day, fasting during Ramadan, and the many other practices in this...
  9. Signor

    This is Awakening

    It’s hard to describe the feeling. Imagine living your entire life in a cave and believing it was your whole world. Then suddenly you step outside. For the first time in your life, you see the sky. You see the trees and the birds and the sun. For the first time in your life, you realize that the...
  10. Signor

    Dar Al-Islam And Dar Al-Harb: Its Definition and Significance

    Introduction In his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington says: People are always tempted to divide people into us and them, the in-group and the other, our civilization and those barbarians. Scholars have analyzed the world in terms of the Orient...
  11. Signor

    The Signs Before the Day of Judgement By Ibn Kathir

    Âyat and Ahadîth about the Hour Allah - subhânahu wa Ta’âla - said: “They ask thee about the Hour, ‘When will be its appointed time?’ Wherein art thou (concerned) with the declaration thereof? With thy Lord is the Limit fixed thereof. Thou art but a Warner for such as fear it. The Day they...
  12. Signor

    Old n New

    Assalamu Alaikum I don't know whether I am new or old,had an account here back in days when TTI was only a forum,though I rarely used it so its probably get deleted.Anyway,I am a man living on the same blue planet,like to share what I got and this is the purpose which makes me join this forum...