In need of your precious duaas


Assalaam walaikum, take the disappointments and let them go. You learn from them. That is what makes a Believer strong. A disappointment is only a disappointment by definition. How much value do you place on it.

What would have made me stay in bed and cry at 20 makes me roll my eyes at this age. Life is possibilities. Life is creativity. If this does not work let me try that. If that does not work something else comes along.

We put limits on ourselves. I do not know why. We have to stop.

Each day is a re-creation. Each fajr lends to endless wonders. Today, I read about the discovery of a species of crabs. They are purple and pink. All I could think about was melting butter and going to it.

Allah subhana wa taala gave us a Book and not a box to lock ourselves into.

Nice thing about rainstorms are the puddles...they are waiting for someone to jump into them..even with a new pair of heels.

So rejoice...because in all the craziness of this can not buy enjoy it praising Allah.


I'm not what you believe
I indeed meant to say "prison"not hell,thank you for the suggestion,it's what I too feel


Assalam Alaykum brother,
Accept that the world is a difficult place with severe problems. When one understands that this is a weary world, one anticipates the hope of Paradise, where all troubles are eased and joy is everywhere. :)

Lets make Dua as taught by the ALL SUPREME

“Rabb’ana atina fi’d -dunya hasanatan wa fi’l-akhirati hasanatan wa kina adhaban-nar. Bi-Rahmatika ya Arham-ar-Rahimin”. “Rabb’anagh-firli wa li walidayya wa lil mu’minina yawma yakumul hisab.”

"O our Lord! Grant us prosperity and goodness in this world and grant us prosperity and goodness in the Hereafter. O my Allah Who is the most Merciful One of the Merciful! Protect us from the chastisement of the Fire with Your Mercy…”. Merciful! Protect us from the chastisement of the Fire with Your Mercy…”. “O our Lord! Forgive me, my parents and all believers on the Day of Judgement”



Staff member

Aapa said:
What would have made me stay in bed and cry at 20 makes me roll my eyes at this age.

I can see this on small scale from week to week, there are new heights to reach, new 'default states' to establish, new tolerance thresholds to adjust to, its a truly colourful experience.

Anyways, helpinghumanity, hope the situation improves and as for this:

Life is not going the way it was/is planned.

Remember it's going exactly how Allaah planned it, that should be a reassuring thought.

Hope things become tolerable for you.



Junior Member
Assalamo alaikum wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhu

Jazakumullah khairun all for your help and support.

In a society where money is worshipped and formal greetings such as **HI** are considered to be **the means of acquiring materialistic needs**, it is truly a blessing from Allah to find the**true believers**. Amazing is the case of the believers, they are not concerned about your wealth, status, color, ethnic origin or popularity. Rather they are concerned about guiding and helping each other to obtain the love and mercy of Allah. They are concerned about consoling each other in the time of sorrow, enjoining in the time of happiness and making sure that all actions or reactions remain within the specified boundaries of sharia.

The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. [al-Tawbah 9:71]

I reiterate the above by providing the following example,

A person is experiencing success upon success in his life. He is climbing the mountain, but as soon as he is about to reach the top, someone from the back stabs him and throw him of the mountain. He is now falling through the air with no hope of surviving. He then completely submits himself to Allah. As soon as he does that he sees a branch of a tree and the hope of survival begins to appear. He grabs that branch and alhamdolillah gets back to the mountain and starts climbing it again with much more determination and trust in Allah. Believers are very similar to that branch of tree that supports and facilitates the fallen person to get back to the track.

Reading or writing may not have the same impact when compared to “experiencing it in our real life”. The same goes with the following verse

“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest (peace or tranquility)” (13:8)

This is a very powerful ayat of the Quran, and alhamdolillah my current situation made me realize and experience the importance and strength of it as we being humans often neglect or forget it.

Alhamdolillah our deen provides a solution to each and every problem one might face in life. Patience, remembrance of Allah and having this yaqeen that ** Allah is the best planner and He has best plans for us as He love us more than 70 times the love of our mom** is the key of solving any problem.

Hasan al basri nicely said
“The life of this world is made up of three days: yesterday has gone with all that was done; tomorrow, you may never reach; but today is for you ….so do what you should do today. “

With regards to parents, as it is pointed out via a PM,

Alhamdolillah parents are really a blessing from Allah. Regardless of how much you try to hide from them and regardless of how much you try to fake that everything is alright, they are able to read your heart and mind. They know **in and out** of you. My father started advising me, as he observed that I am having some difficulties. He gave me bunch of different alternatives; without me even speaking a word out and subhannallah now I see bunch of different paths. It’s like I was drowning in water and he just picked me up and placed me in a boat. Although the journey is long and hard but I do see the rainbows of hope.

Alhamdolilah I have bunch of emotional stuff to write but time is not on my side. I thank all those who have been making duaa for me ..and also.. those who still have to make an intention of making duaa for me. May Allah shower the rain of happiness and joy on all of you..ameen…

But please don’t stop making duaa, because it does take some time to recover and be able to get back to the journey with full strength

Wa-alaikumus salam wa rahmatullah

For those who can read Urdu please read the attached shehr.
For others please read the translation below

Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.[/COLOR][/B]


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Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

جاء رجل الى امير المؤمنين الإمام علي بن ابي طالب(رضى الله عنه)قائلا له : يا إمير المؤمنين لقد اشتريت دارا وارجو ان تكتب لي عقد شراءها بيدك,

ونظر الإمام اليه بعين الحكمة الثاقبة فوجد الدنيا قد تربعت على عرش قلبه وملكت عليه أقطاره حتى أنسته ذكر ربه وأراد الامام ان يذكره ويعلمه الوفاء بالعهد الذى أخذه الله علينا و نحن في عالم الذر ( ألست بربكم ) فماذا يفعل امير المؤمنين ليلقن الرجل درسا فى ذكر الله و عدم نسيان مولاه ..فماذا يفعل الإمام على أمام هذا الرجل الذى زاد عنده حب الدنيا حتى اصبح فى قلبه و دمه ؟

أمسك الإمام بقلمه و قرطاسه فكتب قائلا يريد ان يُذِكّر بالدار الباقية, كتب بعدما حمد الله وأثنى عليه أما بعد: فقد أشترى ميت من ميت دارا في بلد المذنبين وسكة الغافلين لها اربعة حدود,

الحد الأول ينتهي الى الموت والثاني ينتهي الى القبر والثالث ينتهي الى الحساب والرابع ينتهي إما الى الجنة وإما الى النار . فلما سمع الرجل هذا الكلام من أمير المؤمنين(رضى الله عنه) بكى بكاء مرا وعلم ان الإمام اراد بذلك ان يكشف الحجب الكثيفة عن قلبه الغافل, فقال الرجل لللامام (رضى الله عنه): يا أمير المؤمنين إننى قد تصدقت بدارى على الفقراء و المساكين وأبناء السبيل!! فانشد الامام قائلا:

النفس تبكى على الدنيا وقد علمت ** آن السلامة فيها, ترك ما فيها
لا دار للمرء بعد الموت يسكنها ** إلا التي كان قبل الموت يبنيها
فان بناها بخير طاب مسكنها ** وان بناها بشر, خاب بانيها

أين الملوك التى كانت مسلطنه ** حتى سقاها بكأس الموت ساقيها
أموالنا: لذوى الميراث نجمعها ** ودورنا: لخراب الدهر نبنيها
كم من مدائن في الآفاق قد بليت ** أمست خرابا, وافنى الموت أهليها

*** * ****************************

لكل نفس وان كانت على وجل ** من المنية أمال تقويها
المرء يبسطها والدهر يقضيها ** والنفس تنشرها والموت يطويها
إن المكارم أخلاق مطهره ** الدنيا أولها, والعقل ثانيها

والعلم ثالثها, والحلم رابعها ** والجود خامسها, والفهم ساديها
والبر سابعها والشكر ثامنها ** والصبر تاسعها ,واللين باقيها
النفس تعلم أنى لا أصادقها ** ولست ارشد الاحين اعصيها


لاتركنن إلى الدنيا وما فيها ** فالموت لاشك يفنينا ويفنيها

اعمل لدار, غدا رضوان خادمها ** والجار احمد والرحمن منشيها
قصورها ذهب والمسك طينتها ** والزعفران حشيش نابت فيها

أنهارها لبن محض من عسل ** والخمر يجرى رحيقا فى مجاريها
والطير يجرى على الأغصان عاكفة ** تسبح الله جهرا فى مغانيها


من يشترى الدار في الفردوس يعمرها ** بركعة في ظلام الليل يحيها

لماذا فعل هذاالرجل بدار اراد ان يملكها ؟ هل من كلمات سمعها ؟ ام تأثر بصاحب الكلمات التي اخرج كلماته من قلبه المملوء بحب الله وطاعته ؟

فدخلت الى مسامع قلب هذا الرجل الغافل فدلته الى طريق الصواب لتكون هذه الدنيا سبيله الى الله ولم تعد الدنيا اكبر همه و لا مبلغ علمه

و أيقن ان الرازق هو الله و ان المعطى هو الله تعالى وان خير الديار هي الدار الاخرة :

من اراد زاداً فالتقوى تكفيه
من اراد عزاً فالاسلام يكفيه
من اراد عدلاً فحكم الله يكفيه

من اراد انيساً فذكر الله يكفيه
من اراد جليساً فالقران يكفيه
من اراد واعظاً فالموت يكفيه
من اراد غنى فالقناعه تكفيه

من اراد زينه فالعلم يكفيه
من اراد جمالاً فالاخلاق تكفيه
من اراد راحه فالاخره تكفيه

ومن لم يكفيه كل هذا فالنار مثواه وتكفيه


Staff member

Wa-alaikumus salam wa rahmatullah

For those who can read Urdu please read the attached shehr.
For others please read the translation below

Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.[/COLOR][/B]

These lines have been repeated to me many, many times by my parents, its very true, very important to remember.

Obviously I know its famous poetry and I shouldn't be surprised, but can't help it, was weird to see something I have a very personal association with posted here, JazakAllah khayr.

For those who don't read/understand urdu, you lost a lot of the power in the words in translation, but its still good to think about the implication of what its saying.


I thank all those who have been making duaa for me ..and also.. those who still have to make an intention of making duaa for me. May Allah shower the rain of happiness and joy on all of you..ameen…

What about those who haven't read you thread and others at TTI, what about those who are not even aware of TTI and those who are our fellows around the globe???

No problems, I'll add it for you brother.

May Allah [swt] shower the rain of happiness and joy on Muslims around the world..ameen…:)


Be Patience brother.


I’m sorry to hear you’re going through difficulties.
This is a trial from Allah swt,
and with patience you will be successful,

~May Allah swt make it easy for you~Amin!


Take care,

Precious Star

Junior Member

These lines have been repeated to me many, many times by my parents, its very true, very important to remember.

Obviously I know its famous poetry and I shouldn't be surprised, but can't help it, was weird to see something I have a very personal association with posted here, JazakAllah khayr.

For those who don't read/understand urdu, you lost a lot of the power in the words in translation, but its still good to think about the implication of what its saying.

Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.[/color][/b]

But is this always true???

Sometimes what happens to us in life is meant to "whack" us, to bring us down. This life, not the next. We may be happier in the next, but what I'm referring to is this life.

Maybe we're not meant to fly higher. I don't know, I just don't think that there is a silver lining in every calamity .... We have to be realistic and recognize that indeed this life is a prison for the Believer.


Junior Member
Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.[/color][/b]

But is this always true???

Sometimes what happens to us in life is meant to "whack" us, to bring us down. This life, not the next. We may be happier in the next, but what I'm referring to is this life.

Maybe we're not meant to fly higher. I don't know, I just don't think that there is a silver lining in every calamity .... We have to be realistic and recognize that indeed this life is a prison for the Believer.

Assalamu Alaykkum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Sister, "Maybe" , "I don't think so" - I think these are the words coming up with you giving up hope in Allah. Anything that we want, we try the best for it, and make dua to Allah, if there is good for us in it and if Allah wills, he will give to us. We have to accept Qadr, the good of it and bad of it.. But what you are doing is expecting that only bad happens to you.. No, that is not how you approach. You never know what is in store for you, Good or Bad. That is why never give up trying. Let me tell you a true story which a brother told me:

This brother's mother was diagnosed with cancer of the womb (no warnings, no signs) one day she just fell ill. The doctors could not operate her because her vital signs were out of control. So she was put into medical induced coma. For 3 weeks, she was just on machine life support. Then the doctors operated her, and operation was successful, alhamdulilah. However, unfortunately, she was not coming out of medically induced coma. and if she doesn't come out, her organs would shut down one by one slowly. Some of the brother's relatives had started discussing about funeral arrangements for his mother. Some of the family said if she gets a heart attack, it is better if doctors did not resuscitate her and let her go “peacefully”.
But the brother asked the doctor to try anything and everything to keep her alive and dying "peacefully" is not an option. A nurse trying to be clever said: “How do you know, maybe it is her time to die?” To which his response was: “If it is truly her time to die, then she will die, not matter what we do to resuscitate her.”
They did all the paperwork for resuscitation. He was informed on three occassion that his mother had only hours to live. And all the family was there for the final moments. Anyway, his mother came out of coma, alhamdulilah. She was very weak, had much muscle wastage. But, she gained health slowly, ounce by ounce. And after that She did umrah, not just one, two. The first one in wheelchair and second, she insisted to walk, walilahilhamd.

Just imagine, what about all those people who gave up? and this brother didn't. That is what it means to have endless hope in Allah. If something happens, we accept it is Qadr of Allah. Our life is in his hands. But, till then we hope for best and act according to it. Not think negative, give up hope and say "I don't think" this will happen to me or "Maybe" this will never happen to me. No, rather you should hope for the best from Allah, he is the giver of good. You are always concentrating on one aspect saying maybe Allah will not accept our dua in this life. That is not the attitude to have while making dua. Yes, there is a possibility it is not accepted. But, there are also verses in Qur'an which details the Rahmah of Allah. I know it might be difficult for you sister. But, this is just my sincere advice.

Baarakallahu feekum


Staff member
Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.[/color][/b]

But is this always true???

Sometimes what happens to us in life is meant to "whack" us, to bring us down. This life, not the next. We may be happier in the next, but what I'm referring to is this life.

Maybe we're not meant to fly higher. I don't know, I just don't think that there is a silver lining in every calamity .... We have to be realistic and recognize that indeed this life is a prison for the Believer.

Look at it from another angle, how can an eagle (in my version it was a Falcon) how can falcons fly to greater heights without the rough, almost unendurable winds? this is the essential question, how can a person know their upper limit, their upper threshold if they've never experienced anything challnging? How can a ship ever know its potential if it never set sail or met some crazy storms on the way?

Such is life. In all honesty sister, I find your posts surprisingly depressing, you need to be more positive inshaAllah.

Everything in life is an opportunity, even major calamities and testing situations are an opportunity to make the best of a very bad situation and develop oneself, this is absolutely always true.



Assalaam waliakum,

Oh's me again...

There is a concurrent thread I think it is by Brother Abu Talib...great read...we should not limit the Mercy of Allah. Please take a moment to read it.

Sometimes when our hopes have been diminished over a period of time we become despondent. We expect the same outcome over and over again. And it is very difficult to be bubbly and happy. It takes a lot of energy.

That is called being brave. And one more time I am going to give it my very best.

I thought I had met the one. I reached the sky. I was flying higher than the eagles. I had to pinch myself to realize this was really real.

It could not be. I did not cry. I looked at my pillow and said...ah a dream of the future to be..and then I realized you know..if Allah does grant me paradise I can ask for anything...and a smile lit across my face..I can ask for anything....and I have not stopped smiling yet.

There is always a reason and a blessing. We just have to take a moment and look at the blessing.

When we are sad and blue that is ok, too. It is during those times we realize how much we are loved.

So here I go throwing love at you all by the truckload..let us keep each other in our dua.

And son, you never answered me..about marrying two in one day...can a Believer do that?

Precious Star

Junior Member
Look at it from another angle, how can an eagle (in my version it was a Falcon) how can falcons fly to greater heights without the rough, almost unendurable winds? this is the essential question, how can a person know their upper limit, their upper threshold if they've never experienced anything challnging? How can a ship ever know its potential if it never set sail or met some crazy storms on the way?

Such is life. In all honesty sister, I find your posts surprisingly depressing, you need to be more positive inshaAllah.

Everything in life is an opportunity, even major calamities and testing situations are an opportunity to make the best of a very bad situation and develop oneself, this is absolutely always true.


I know sister Al-Fajr. I'm sorry. But I'm a lot older than most of you 20-something's, lol (of course i am being presumptuous in saying you are a 20-something, forgive me). At that age, even in your 30s, life seems to be spread out in front of you. But mine never spread. After all these years, all the hoping and praying, I never had my prayers answered. Of course I accept. But right now the future is super gloomy. I tried to change it many years ago and kept trying over and over but now the obstacles are insurmountable.

I am happy HH's father reached out and gave him some advice. That is the best, when your parent has hope for you. Mine never fact whenever a negative thing happens, he just laughs at me or says something sarcastic!


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Yes thinking in a positive way changes everything.

I also want to share a true story.

There was an old man (not that old) whose eyesight was very weak.He had to wear glasses.But he wished to have his vision back.So he imagined himself seeing things clearly.Everyday he would sit and stare at things for long,thinking and visualizing how things were crystal clear back then when he was 20.He remained positive.
After some days he got his vision back.He no longer needed glasses.

Also there is this hadith

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in everyone, (but) cherish that which gives you benefit (in the Hereafter) and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don't say: If I had not done that, it would not have happened so and so, but say: Allah did that what He had ordained to do and your" if" opens the (gate) for the Satan.

Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind*, O’ Eagle
It only blows to help you fly even higher.

Masha'ALLAH.This is really interesting.You will be back at the top again brother helpinghumanity.InshaAllah.


Assalaam walaikum,

Precious Star,

You need to make some changes in your life. If everything is so bad and unfulfilled let it go and change direction.

Make drastic changes in your life. Live a little. It is good for the soul. Change your occupation. Change your wardrobe.

The future is gloomy because of the restrictions you have placed on your life. Comeon on sister, if it is so bad you need to change a lot of things in your life.

And only you can do it. So do something for yourself..even if it to smile once a day.


There you go again...light humor sister with my silly comment..everyone who read it knew it was only written to make the reader smile...
I can't bake pies or cakes for the brother...nor fix a meal fit for a man to I sent him sweet words...


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,
So let me send you a truckload of sunshine, lollipops ( watermelon w/ bubblegum centers ), and rainbows.

Wa-alaikumus salam wa rahmatullah

Oh thanks Aapa. Btw make sure they have extra suger and vanilla on top. :) and where is chocolate??

Hey do you want two wives at would save the parents a lot of money on the wedding?

As long as they are practicing muslimah's with good sense of humor then why not? And matter of fact, marriage starts with two, three or four...:)

At this age, it my duty to support my parents. I would like them to not spend even a penny. But parents are parent, sometime they don't listen.