Recent content by 3assal

  1. 3assal

    How Old Are You ?

    :salam2: I know the feeling! I am probably the only 24 year old in my classes, most of my classmates/friends are under 21!!!!!!!!!!! lol i wish i could restart college too :shymuslima1: :wasalam:
  2. 3assal

    At-Tashahhud help

    Salam Alaykum Sister Sarah, The Tashahhud or Testification of faith should be recited the following way: “Al-tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa’l-salaawaatu wa’l-tayyibaat. Al-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuha’l-Nabiyyu wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu. Al-salaamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibaad-Illaah...
  3. 3assal

    How Old Are You ?

    :salam2: haha, i sent it ! enjoy! :wasalam:
  4. 3assal

    How Old Are You ?

    salams! i just turned 24!! :) still have cake anyone want a piece? lol
  5. 3assal

    Wicked! Battle at Kruger, Buffalo, Lions and Crocodiles

    :salam2: very sad!!!!!! lesson learned here: stay with the group!!!!!! lol and of course keep your eyes open... :wasalam:
  6. 3assal

    the signs of dajal!!

    :salam2: You should read Riyad-us- Saliheen, I have this book and it mentions the Dajjal, and the exactly what will happen until the day of Resurrection, inshallah. May Allah forgive us and grant us Paradise.:shymuslima1: :wasalam:
  7. 3assal

    new member

    Salam Aleikum Sister! I enjoyed reading your post, mashallah (i will follow your advice in regards to the radio). I hope that you enjoy your stay here and that all your questions are answered inshallah. jazakallah khair sister 3assal :)
  8. 3assal

    Myspace, Haram?????

    Salam Aleikum Sisters, I had a Myspace account and then I was introduced to MuslimSpace. I think both are a waste of time, and they promote interaction between men and women which can lead to inappropriate comments and behavior. While in Muslimspace I had many "brothers" contacting me asking...
  9. 3assal

    What background are you from?

    Salam Aleikum, I was born in brazil but my parents are from lebanon :)
  10. 3assal


    thank you for that post. My friend asked me about 786, i will forward this link to her. Jazak Allah khair.
  11. 3assal

    What is your favorite C O L O R?

    my favorite color is blueeeeeeee :D
  12. 3assal

    Hi from New York

    Salam Aleikum, Hello Sister No my friend is not going but he told me about it because I wanted to go myself. I misplaced the address so I will ask him again soon:hijabi: I hope that list helps you inshAllah :) if you need anything please let me know:) sister soraia aka 3assal
  13. 3assal

    Hi from New York

    Salam Aleikum, Hello Sister and Welcome to the forum. I also live in New York. I can recommend some mosques that you can go to:) but where in New York do you live? I have been to a mosque in 96 street many times, here is the address: The Islamic Cultural Center of New York (ICCNY) 1711...
  14. 3assal

    I am a Christian, seriously looking at Islam..

    :salam2: topic will be closed until further notice :wasalam:
  15. 3assal

    Names meaning

    Salam Aleikum, My mom chose the name Soraia, or in Arabic ثريا (thoraya). its a star constellation, the pleiades... It was a popular name at the time. Here is a picture of the constellation: Subhana Allah