Recent content by abouisra

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    Who's your favorite lecturer?

    :salam2:shabir ali i love his debates he is very inteligent and always win machaalaah :wasalam:
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    My introduction to the forum.

    :salam2:welcom enjoy:SMILY206::wasalam:
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    [ Every Thing ] About .. " Woman Rights in Islam " ..

    :salam2:jazak allah khair sister:wasalam:
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    What a happiness!!!! MashaAllah!!!

    :salam2:Allahou akbar walilahi alhamd:wasalam:
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    :salam2:Allahou akbar and Alhamdulillah very happy for you sister inchaAllah all your past sins are forgiven now and may aAllah bless you and guid your familly to islam inchallah amine:wasalam::salah:
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    The Purpose of Life

    :salam2::ma:very nice:wasalam:
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    Let's Do This...

    allahouakbar Sala m alaikoum brother and sister my story is about my son abd rhmane he is three and half one month ago he got seek just a fever I took him to hospital and they found out that he has pneumonia so they put him in icu for 13days Then we notice that he can't see any thing so they...
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    Salaam, salaam, salaam

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    Assalamu Alaykum, i'am new here

    :salam2:salam sister inchallah make it easy for you ijust wanna talk about you worring quitting drinking i just hear yesturday that a new study found that drinking increase more than 25 per cent the risk of breast cancer for women so quitting is good for your health and allah will reward you...
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    Darkest before dawn...update

    :salam2: alhamdulilah for this happy news for you sister remember allah when you are in ease allah will be there for you when you are in dificulties in chaallah :salam2:
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    The problem with Islam is...

    :salam2:brother and sisters i just wanna say to my revert brother and sisters that they have to be proud of being reverted to islam i consider them like the sahaba of the prophet pbuh because the sahaba of the prophet pbuh they didnt born muslims but they are the best people after the prophets...
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    Bridge Tv, Man charged with wife's

    :salam2:the problem is this kind of people just show up only when a killig happen and its connected somhow to the religion of islam and start lucturing us about humen right and and women rights but never say anything when something like this happen in the cristian or other religion and never say...
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    Suggestion for the Moderators of this Board

    :salam2:me t2:wasalam:
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    wa alaikoum salaam wa rahmatou allah wa baraktuhou
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    Bridge Tv, Man charged with wife's

    :salam2:so what about more than 400 women and more than 300 children killed by israli and american bombs in gaza so where have you been just me 1?????????????????????