
Writing a term paper is the first stage, a kind of introduction to further academic work. If you do not avoid the basic mistakes at this stage, writing more serious diploma or PhD research will become a real problem. In our review, we will try to highlight the main mistakes that students make when writing a term paper.

Among the most common and typical mistakes made by students in their research papers are the following: the use of plagiarism, which is forbidden not only by the scientific community, but also by current legislation; undisclosed topic of the paper, which equates to its almost failure; failure to follow the rules of paper design, in other words, non-compliance of the text with the current standards.

The use of plagiarism in any research paper is simply unacceptable. Moreover, it is called theft of intellectual property, which can lead to liability. Of course, without the use of other people's scientific materials (monographs, articles, electronic resources) cannot do without, but here you should follow the basic rule.

Each citation must be reflected in the list of references, that is, for each used fragment of another's text need footnotes. At the very least, the sources used should be paraphrased in their own language, so that it does not arouse suspicion.

Indeed, if a student's work does not disclose the topic of the term paper at all, then the work can be considered practically unwritten. Usually students use a long-known technique - more water, some inarticulate, almost all the work of quotations, etc.

You can put off writing a paper as long as you want, but you should figure out the meaning of the topic given to a student right away. Even if all the words of the topic are clear and do not cause difficulties, it is still necessary to clearly understand what needs to be done. The supervisor should help, focusing on the main aspects of the work, problems, ways to solve them, provide the key literature on the topic (generalizing methodological manuals, textbooks).

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Feb 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
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