Recent content by Alla-knows

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    Share Islam! No more friends!!!!

    yes sister, please dont be afraid of anything, islam the glorious and beautiful islam shall always shine through, bi idhni llah,,inshallah,,,and yes i will be your friend too :SMILY288: ,,salaam aleykum
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    my bad ,,,sorry, i thought as long as u get the message and it helps you with taqwa it will be ok to listen,....i mean everything will be haram if it will keep you away from praying to allah and complete supplication!1...even if its talking to a friend or even television!!.....anyways,,,i...
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    uKHTY......pleaseeeeeeeeee dowload the rest of native deen's nasheeds 1. i am not afraid to stand alone. 2. small deeds. 3.deeen you know. ..plzzzz .......please my beloved sis...please..thanks in advance my sister... :hijabi: :)