Recent content by ameer magdy

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    Eid Mubaarak!

    Eiي Mubarak :) كل عام و أنتم بخير.
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    Welcome Welcome Nordic :), I hope you find your own path soon inshaAllah.
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    where is the strangest place you have prayed?

    I think the strangest place where when I was going with my friends to a coffee shop, and i needed to pray badly, because if I didnt, what a bad day I would have. so I asked the waiter and he said that the only place available is the yard behind the kitchen. some ppl where sitting there too with...
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    Ameer Abdullmajeed

    thanks alot brothers and sisters :) Abdul Hasib, inshaAllah God accepts us all as mujahedeens
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    Ameer Abdullmajeed

    Alsalam Aleikum Wa rahmatuh allah wa barakatuh, My name is Ameer Abdullmajeed, I'm a 25 years old egyptian, I work in Dubai as a graphic designer, mashaAllah, I like the idea of this place, I'm here to share what I know, and to to know what I dont. May god bless you all.