Recent content by asma_yy

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    Islamic Questions Game - Trivia.

    I think it's prophet ya'qub alayhi salam. By the way, it was a sand storm, so i guess ur answer is right. here's another question Which quranic chapter indicates that the earth will undergo a series of convulsion? this is an easy one!
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    Islamic Questions Game - Trivia.

    two trumpets will be blown. THe first time the it will cause everyone to die, the second time it will resurrect everyone? Here's my question. What aid from nature did the people of Muhamad sallalahu alaihi wa salam recieve prior to the battle of badr? Good luck...
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    Quran Challenge

    No one asked another set of questions.. 1. What is the best drink and food mentioned in the quran? 2. Reading which surah prevents poverty? 3. What is the benefit of reading surat al-mulk?
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    Islamic Questions Game - Trivia.

    Here's a good one... Which prophet was taken by his angel friend to heaven at the age of 365, and when he reached the 4rth heaven, allah swt ordered the angel of the death to take his soul?
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    Quran Challenge

    Salam U alaikum Here are a few more quran questions.. 1.If you memorise the first 10 ayat of this surah, you will be saved from the dajjal, what is this surah? 2. What surah does not begin with bismillah al rahman al-rahim? 3.What surah speaks about the laws of marriage? Have fun...
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    Countries & Cities... new game

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    Quran Challenge

    Since no one asked a new series of questions, here go a couple that pertain to the quran itself. 1. which sura is Qalb al Quran. 2. reading what sura prevents shaitan from entering one's home? 3. Which sura is Umm al Quran? Good luck... Inshallah everyone will gain something by...
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    Islamic question and answer

    It was prophet sulayman(SAW... You were supposed to ask a question. What is the name of the mountain where Prophet Muhamad SAW received his first revelation? Good Luck...
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    Islamic question and answer

    Salam U alaikum, Good try on your answer to my question, but unfortunately its wrong. THe correct answer is that there will seven categories of shade protecting us from the sun on the day of judgement. The sun will be only one mile away. TO answer your question. Shariah is the religious law...
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    Islamic question and answer

    salam u alaikum. Here's my question. On the day of the judgement there will be seven categories of protection from what?
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    Islamic Questions Game - Trivia.

    This question is a little contradicting and unclear. I'm researching it, and will post my findings.