Recent content by Ayep

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    It is not prescribed to wipe with the hands after making du’aa’

    :wasalam: bro hurul-ein, Firstly brother, my intentions is not to argue or debate. This is a matter of differing opinions within the Sunni Islam. The scholar that I'm learning from always advises us to respect differing opinions of scholars of Islam-be is Maliki, Hanbali, Hanafi or...
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    Emergency Help required by a recently reverted muslim

    :wasalam: A Christian is asking about the reason for the prohibition on pork Question: Why does Islam forbid pork, when the pig is one of the creations of God?. Answer: Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Our Lord has forbidden eating pork in definitive terms. Allaah says...
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    Baptism??? and Islam

    :wasalam: sister Just a simple suggestion for you. Expose your son to Islam totally. Bring him to meet fellow Muslims, send him for Islamic classes and teach him about things which are forbidden in Islam. If you do this with prayer supplications insya Allah, Allah will protect your son and...
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    Originar sin? Which is the truth?

    Walaykom salam everyone, If there are no objections I would like to add some points. Since our Muslim bros and sisters have presented the Quran's explaination, I will present my research from the bible about the original sin. The Doctrine of Atonement and Original sin was not Esa...
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    Hi sister! Don't be confused please. It shows that you have not grasp the complete picture of Islam. We Muslims are not patronising Christians if that is what you think. That is the point of similarity between Islam and Christianity, the return of Jesus or Esa(alahisalam). However when...
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    An open letter from an American citizen

    :salam2: bros and sis I agree with what ripefig mentioned plus I will add this: Even if the countries offended by the Americans forgave the USA for what had happened in the past, will it change the future? Will American bombs stop raining on their heads? Or Bush "new plan" of sending 21000...
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    Western intervention to stop formation of an Islamic state in Somalia

    Ethiopian Planes bombs Somalia By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN, Associated Press Writer MOGADISHU, Somalia - Ethiopian fighter jets pounded several Somali towns held by a powerful Islamic militia, a sharp escalation in violence that could engulf the volatile Horn of Africa, witnesses and a militia...
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    Did Jesus PBUH Performed Hajj??

    Walaykum salam brother, The time span between prophet Esa(as) and Prophet Muhammad(saw) is about 600 years. I have a book titled" Jesus a Prophet of Islam" but obviously cant type is all down so here's an alternative Here's are some sites with articles about Jesus and Christianity...
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    :salam2: I just need to add a few points to this discussion. Whenever a country anywhere in the world tries to model an Islamic state, you will see the US rushing in to oppose or place restrictions on it. Russia will also do the same thing. So if we see the Americans come charging in to...
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    :wasalam: I have a suggestion, you can actually present the Muslim approach of how we look at the religion of the people of the book. -how prophets was sent to mankind from Prophet Ibrahim alaihisalam all the way to Prophet Muhammad :saw: warning and spreading the message to worship only...
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    In what Circumstances is lying allowed? :confused:

    :salam2: bro, From my understanding from the my previous post from Islam Q&A: If your life is in danger or all the odds against you, I guess it is better to save yourself first so you can practice Islam more freely. Lying is disallowed, however in extreme conditions where your life or...
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    What Islam Says about Christmas

    :salam2: bros and sisters I guess that is the reason for having divine laws and we as humans having to use our logic on what and why it is there for - sole purpose of guidance. Even with these kind of guidance people use their personal desires to lead them in their life. Imagine there are...
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    DId Jesus had Long hair?

    :salam2: Firstly good job for spotting that out Yahya1819. I've read the book some time ago and just checked it again after reading this post. The Muslim tradition mentioned on page 20: describes Jesus "He was a ruddy man inclined to white. He did not have long hair...". The problem...
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    ways to expand this forum

    :salam2: I'm sure the suggestions BroZak are good points, however I firmly believe TTI stays to its main focus- helping new reverts or non-Muslims to clear misconceptions on Islam. I've visited other forums and what I see is ordinary people arguing, cursing and debating on the finer...
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    Non-believer's arguments

    :wasalam: My non-Muslim friends used to bring this matter up during conversations with me. By the way my friends are in the late 20s to early 30s range. A Catholic friend who could not explain his religion said " I'm not very religious" person or use the excuse some people are more...