wa alikom assalam dear sister
alhamdulillah i am fine and thanks for dropping by . mashAllah you are such a very good person wallahi and Allah knows how much i love you for his sake .
you have a good day too dear sis
salaam alaikom
u r more than welcome with pleasure sister ruki4eva,its nice to hear that u r donig well alhamdolillah.great news!!ameen to ur dou'a sister ,and jazaki allah too khir katir siter for ur kind replay, i repeat again u r more than welcome..take care sister
salam alikom
im fine alhamdolillah, and my family too,thakns so much for asking..and how r u hope u r fine and ur family as well..may allah grant u aljannat.i love u in the sake of allah ..
jazaki allah khir sister
Asallamu alaykum sister
Jazakallah sister for accepting the friendship request
nice to hear from u 2, hope you are all good and family aswel inshallah. Alhamdulillah im ok and your welcome sis ..may allah swt guide us all to the right path Ameen
take care sister
wa aliki salamo allahi wa rahmatoho taala wa barakatoho
im fine alhamdolillah thanks so much for asking, what about u ?
hope u are doing well insha allah and ur family as well..may allah increase our imane and guide us all to the right path insha allah
jazaki allah khairan katiran sister
hello dearest sister,
im fine alhamdu lillah ,me too, so pleased to see u here u have a very special and interseting presence masha allah ..salam alikom
To cure yourself of a bad feature of character is an obligation. It will save you from the disasters of this world as well as of the Hereafter. [Imam Birgivi]