Recent content by Fahim01

  1. F

    Halal Food help

    Asalamu alaikum akhi wa oukhti There is one little thing here what need some attention... It is truth that we can eat (cow, chicken) meat slaught by jahudi or christian. BUT!!! on a few conditions!!!! That the jahudi or christian slaught the meat on the islamic way with the islamic...
  2. F

    Why do I get so angry?

    sawrwb Asalamu alaikum wr wb dear brothers and sisters, First of all... that angry feeling.... It's called "Ghierah" It is an tipical arabic word and hard to translate into an other language Ghierah is a good thing, it is even a part of imaan people who thinks its fine that other...
  3. F

    Why do I get so angry?

    Assalamu alaikum wr wb my brothers en sisters. First of all.. The anger you are feeling... if someone insults islam or someone does someting thats haram, you will get a anry feeling in your body. This feeling is called in arabic "Ghierah" . Its dificult to translate because it is a tippicle...