Recent content by Fatime

  1. F

    marital advice

    I do not think it will affekt that much,offcourse its depending on the spouses too. Im happily married with a arab, we do not have any problems because of different culture, i was born and raised in Finland and i seriosly dont think the culture here is so different from urs in us. The most...
  2. F

    How to find courage?

    Yes i can do that, i just dont want him to see me making mistakes. I think i just need to overcome my fears and not be afraid about that. Its so much easyer to say than do...
  3. F

    How to find courage?

    Thank u, brother azam. The hurry i feel its coming from the ppl around me( mostly my husbend), i did not convert because of him, he just make it happen earlyer. I had been reading about islam for the last 3years... Im realy a shy women, i did have so much trouble to repeat the first sura i...
  4. F

    How to find courage?

    I dont know if this is the right place for this thread(hope the moderator move it then)... I did turn to islam few month ago, and i still dont pray:shymuslima1: I try to learn and read always when i have time, but its so difficult to learn arabic...( i live in scandinavia and enlish is the 3...
  5. F

    salam aleikum to all sisters and brothers

    Hi, i hope everyone is in good helth. So, i schould tell something about me(dont know where to begin)... Well, im married with a pius man, i find it sometimes hard becouse i did just turn to islam and know so little about the right way to live :girl3: I hope to find here courage to live a...