Recent content by Faysal

  1. F

    the arabs will never win any war in their current state

    Masha'alaah my sister you have nailed in head! :salam2: Like I said in other post today in other titles. We have abondoned the Qur'an and Suna of our rasululahi :saw: They Have the Quran in their hands yet they don't follow what's ordering them to do , even though Allah Has said "THAT THIS...
  2. F

    You won't see this on CNN

    I see a horrific picture here? Asalaamu Calaykum Warah Matulahi wa barakaatuh whatever you are. My brothers and sisters I'm deeply horrified by this pictures and how it traumasizes our young brother in the picture and his family. But the real question is what have we done to ourselfs as...
  3. F

    God bless New Muslims

    :salam2: I was reffered to this site by another brother in islam while browsing the web one day. So, he told me to check out brother Jeff Land in his discovery of Islam i did listen to him for a while. Then I saw other brothers and sisters who also God showed them religion of Islam and to...