Recent content by hanan x

  1. H

    If there is a God? Athiests vs Muslims

    thank you very much for your advice. Well.....she says she doesnt believe in God because if you cant see him then he doesnt exist. A basic argument for an athiest.
  2. H

    Best sayings! Allah, Muhammed and Muslims!

    Thank you:SMILY259: why did you pick the west in the poll, just wondering if its the same as me?
  3. H

    Best sayings! Allah, Muhammed and Muslims!

    :allahuakbar: What are the best sayings you've ever heard? I'd really like to hear them and this is a time to "introduce your self" My favourite: "Deny me infront of your friends, I will deny you in the day of judgement" This has been broadcasted on bbm, facebook, twitter and many...
  4. H

    If there is a God? Athiests vs Muslims

    waalaykum alsallam sister, Thank you for your advice
  5. H

    If there is a God? Athiests vs Muslims

    guys, please reply. Really need help!! If you're believers of Islam and Allah SWT you'd help! "If you deny me infront of your friends, I will deny you in the day of judgement" also christians have this verse; "if you deny me infront of your friends, i will deny you in front of my gates"
  6. H

    If there is a God? Athiests vs Muslims

    My english athiest friend is actually my best friend ever. She's shy, hardworking and all in all an excellent friend. In high school you abviously learn about philosophy and religion. We will all more or likely be in this position. When athiest's or no muslims's question the fact that if God...