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  • Really, Im so sorry from the bottom of my heart.

    I hope you werent thinking, "Check out the snob, she aint got time for her sis" LOL Sorry man. But i just had to run off somewhere :)
    Bt ive more time on my hands today. Only cos im bunking a day off :p Lol.

    Hows your urmm baw baw ? Lol

    Tc hun

    love you!
    Alhumdulillah things are good good =)

    sorry in a hurry atm, so this one will be short n sweet lol.

    make lotsa dua for me ukhtii.

    tc and much love

    Wassalaam X

    Oh ... my .... WORD! Ukhtii! Wow, its been aaaaaaaaaaaaaages! Cant believe how long its been. How are you? Hows everythign at home? How life man?

    So so SO happy to hear from you hun!

    keep in touch!

    Wassalaam X =D
    sorry for my late reply but i have been ill for the last few months n could not reply ur VM.i am fine alhumdulillah and someone "newer" is on his way lol.make dua for me please.i mean keep ur sister in duas
    i'm fine now Alhumdulillah:)

    hehehe that's crazy lol.well i'm happy with that too.atleast we get to see you isn't it.Alhudulillah back on strike eh??:p

    double sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet;)
    you take care tooo sunni funni hunni bunni:D
    walaikumasalam sister dear sister
    alhumdulillah i am fine and jazakallah for asking.
    how are u?????????????
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

    hey sister!!nice to see you message.hope you doing well.what made you think of TTI:p!!heheh

    take care sister
    oh wow :eek: :lol: its raining there? :D cool :D hehe
    i love rain :D hehe
    wow u really shouting FATIMAAAAAAAAAA :lol: :D yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? :lol:
    hve an amazing day :D and remember me in ur duas :D *hug*
    u too tc ;)
    walikumsalam :D:D:D
    Im doing great :D yea long tym lol i hvnt been here either fr so long hehe :D
    thnx fr da msg sista :D *hug*
    missed u too ♥
    take care hve an awesome day ;)
    urs sis,
    fatima ♥
    walikumsalam :D

    i m fine Alhumdillah , how r u?
    lol its too longgggggggggggggg HIBBA lol dont shout :p i m here sister:lol:
    actually i m busy now a days due to my study so can't come online too much on net........
    any wayz u tell whats going on these days?

    take care
    Asalamu alaykum Sis:D

    How are you? I hope you are doing great. Wow, it's been a long time since we spoke. Giving you my salaams to tell you that i didn't forget you:D Take care:D


    I'm okay Alhumdulillah, just a little under the weather.

    Boring? Your life sounds like fun! :cool: LOL

    You too love, take care

    and we'll keep in touch!

    Wassalaam X
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