Recent content by Jihan

  1. J

    *!HELP!* concerning job...

    thanks you guys... this was real helpful... there's no extreme necessity to sell pork to nonMuslims so i am just not going to work there inshAllah.
  2. J

    *!HELP!* concerning job...

    i was actually looking for something on the llines of ahadith that says saying it is haram to work at place selling nonhalal meat or something like that. But Alhamdullillaah this was useful. Now i know to say no to the boss if he callls me inshAllah.
  3. J

    *!HELP!* concerning job...

    Okay i used to work at this coffee shop and last week I reapplied. but the thig is they sell some deli (prewrapped) and some have pork meat in them. So is at haram for me to work there even though we never have direct contact with the meat? I know if a place sells alcohol you cannot work there...
  4. J

    how did you come with you tag name

    I have to say that is a funny tag name... I also thought that it was because your user name expired...
  5. J

    how did you come with you tag name

    Jihan is my name and I like using it because I am the only Jihan I know personally. But my friend thinks its 'cus i'm being self-centered when I use my fname for everythink i sign up for; she always uses things like muslimgurl or muslimah_pride3. I'm not into to that kinda stuff.
  6. J


    wow, did you wite this?
  7. J

    Take a look.... Now this is told 1400yrs ago!!!!

    * People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY); reminds me of the newspapers with the horoscopes where many Americans can't start their day without reading it.
  8. J

    The Road To Guantanamo Bay

    Yes i watched that its quite sad... i nver saw the end though,,, inshAlllah I will check it out soon
  9. J

    we want see ramadan in west

    I wake up end of ssuhoor never make it on time downstairs. then its fajr. I go to school 7:30am it start 8am and ends 2:30 pm i get home 3ish pm. i start helping my mom with aftar then we finifh about 7:30pm.. My day can me more benficial... but alhamdullilaaah
  10. J

    What time is Iftar at your place?

    well suhoor is: 5am ( i think.) iftar: is 8ishpm I stay awake (i better) i have to go to school weekdays see the thing is I don't really check the time i just have my family wake me up and I break my fast when i see everyone breaking it in my family and my brothers are going off to the...
  11. J


    I am a 1. I have about 10 hours to go whoo hooo!
  12. J

    Why do so many Muslims smoke?

    very true and funny (the poem not the situation)... 1800 QUIT NOW...would be hte # to dail!
  13. J

    Say the truth - a lesson to learn from

    It was definitely worth reading all of it!!!!!!! that's all I can say (wait I got more...) .... May Allah bless those three as well as the ones who went to the expedition!
  14. J

    Wanted to share with you

    jazakAllah khayr that was really beautiful... I got the chills from reading these ahadeeth.