Recent content by Karachi_prince

  1. Karachi_prince

    Video Video New Muslims and Islam in the Phillipines Manila

    mashalla its good to see this sort of thing
  2. Karachi_prince

    What are Your Eid Plans??

  3. Karachi_prince

    They make fun of Islam

    clever, that
  4. Karachi_prince

    What are Your Eid Plans??

    well inshalla the plan is to go read eid prayer, then start working inshalla till the afternoon when inshalla their may be a family get together. Inshalla everything should go well
  5. Karachi_prince

    Video Raciest Skinhead becomes Muslim

    mashalla, thats a good video
  6. Karachi_prince

    Salaam everyone

    walaikum asalam
  7. Karachi_prince

    Are We Allowed to Shaving The Beard?

    From My knowledge we are suppose to keep beards as it makes us distinct from other non-muslims. But it is important to keep it well taken care of as a beard should be something which adds to our attractiveness not harms it. So if you keep a beard keep a handy Beard comb and keep all your hair...
  8. Karachi_prince

    Low Iman

    inshalla you should use ramadan as an excellent opportunity to boost iman, before you go to bed do some dhikr, and read the Quran along with translation. I often feel that if my iman ever drops low this is what works for me. Inshalla it should work for you to.
  9. Karachi_prince

    Video Blog #1: Funny Things You See During Jummah (Pilot)

    i love thsi guys blogs, he cracks me up every time.
  10. Karachi_prince


    smoking is nasty little habit that bleeds your pocket dry, as well as ruins your health, people would be better of giving the cost of a pack of cigarettes to charity, at least some good would come of their money.
  11. Karachi_prince

    Robert Fisk: Desert of trapped corpses testifies to Israel's failure

    i dont think there is much publicity on any particular figures
  12. Karachi_prince

    My friend's conversion to Islam !

    mashalla,i love these revert stories
  13. Karachi_prince

    Robert Fisk: Desert of trapped corpses testifies to Israel's failure

    fisk is a top knotch journalist, his articles in teh independant are usually quite interesting
  14. Karachi_prince

    Warning! Revert/Convert or you want to Revert/Convert:A letter for you from a Convert

    its ashame to see that new reverts are having difficult experiences with born muslims.