Recent content by lilly786

  1. L


    Shukran! Shukran so very much! May Allah make it easy for us insha-Allah! I know it is not easy. I understand exactly how hard to gets. JUst keep strong and remain having faith in Allah. Keep well and Shukran again. I will have a look at it. :)
  2. L


    Salaams My fellow Muslim brothers and Sisters My Name is Donna and I reverted to Islam about 2 years ago. I am still learning but it is not easy living in a house where my parents and family dont approve and I have to hide it from them, until I have somewhere to stay. I dont want to get too...
  3. L

    New muslim

    Wslm, Marsha-Allah!! Slamat... I am so happy to see more and more people reverting to Islam. Alghamdulilah!! I, myself reverted about 2 years ago, I am living with my parents, they don't know, although suspect I am Muslim. I will be thrown out the house if they find out as they are totally...