Recent content by maybefree

  1. M

    Why Should I Convert to Islam

    Searcheroftruth, This is exactly my point: ITS NOT HELPING ME. Period.
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    Why Should I Convert to Islam

    Actually, it does not. Should I convert, I would still think the same way about what you have done. All it is is bullying. That's not what Islam is about. Forcing people to convert by constantly sending them passages from the Quran saying that they either convert or go to the...
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    Why Should I Convert to Islam

    Revert, First, I think you are a nice person. HOWEVER, constantly private messaging me the second I come onto this website (which is a bit stalkerish) about converting is too much. It is not forcing me to make a decision any faster OR wanting me to convert Islam at all. In other words...
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    This Post is Mainly for US Muslims

    Just out of curiosity, on Fridays for the 1:00 prayer at Mosques, do you have to leave work just to attend those sessions?
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    Is there a belief of reincarnation within Islam? Or is there any Muslims here believe that they have had a past life?
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    New from VA, US

    Thank you revert and peace2u for replying. Thank you both for your advice. I have been reading the different threads and replies today and I continue to do so. I have been reading a lot of Islam and, being a woman, a lot of articles on the status of women and the expected treatment of...
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    New from VA, US

    Hello everyone, I just joined the community. I'm not a Muslim, but I have thought about converting, however I haven't made the final decision yet. I have so many questions, but can't think of them at the moment. Was wondering if anyone here was from VA?