Recent content by mmokhsin

  1. M

    A Revert sister here..

    Allah forgive me if I am sinned. Alhamdulillah sister that yr faith is intact. Allow me to help you see a whole new perspective in a positive way. Subhanallah, your seemingly predicament is actually the biggest Rahmah that a Muslim could possibly be in. Imagine this, you are in similar...
  2. M

    Working as an airhostess ?!

    MasyaAllah, this desire to be an air hostess was the very reason why my wife to be(20 years ago) broke off our engagement. I tried to prevent her by using Islamic reasoning. What happened next, shocked me and both our families. She pulled out the engagement ring off her finger, placed it on the...
  3. M

    I hate Facebook Should I stay on it?

    The problem is not FaceBook, it is always the people. FaceBook is just a tool, just like any other websites, we have to self regulate. Fitnah is everywhere, even within TTI. The very minute you switch on the Television, there's fitnah, are you going to stop watching TV when you know there are...
  4. M

    i have a problem.

    If you do not intend to insult, do not say it out. Once uttered, it is deliverance of intention. Stop personal "attacks", we are all here for a common purpose, nasehah each other. Let's maintain politeness and respect each other. Shalat is not just spiritual. Mind, body(physical) and...
  5. M

    Assalamualaikum From Singapore

    Salam Everyone, My name is Mohamed Mokhsin Bin Masuri Bin Mohamed Salleh Bin Mustawi Bin....and even if I can manage to trace my decendents, most probably it will date back centuries and most probably they were all Muslims but I am a Malay now and by default I am a Muslim. I am 47 years old...