Asalaamu'alaykum shunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna!
Sister you are sosososososososososooooooooooo funny!
MashaAllaah you make moiiii laugh haha
hoho you going crazy?! Yes, of course you would if your eating all them sweet roshogullas iniiiit?
Hahahaha yes in bengali gatherings they serve baaaarrre food
I cook often these days
The other day I cooked tuna, pasta and sweetcorn, it was yummy even abid liked it
He kept on putting his hand in my plate
And today I had baguette
it was yummmmmmyyyy. Sister, how is your family? How's hiba? Hope they are all doing well InshaAllaah. I have one more week left till the holidays finish
maannnn I enjoy sleeping late and waking up late
lool. I miss you a lot as well
Makhal msn don't work
beakhollllll init?
Take care sister, keep in touch
*!*!*! love you
miss you
Fi amaan Allaah *!*!*!XX