Recent content by nam01

  1. N

    Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Quran

    salaam, i want to teach myself to understand quaranic arabic, i can read, but have no clue what im reading. anyone know how i can do this at home ps: i cudn't watch the video, it wudnt load properely, just in case the lecturer already went through it
  2. N

    The Arrivals

    salaam, i just saw quite a few of the videos and i can say it really does make sense, though some of the aspects of the whole conspiracy are a little harder to understand. It has freaked me out a little bit though! What do you think about the theory?
  3. N


    I think that a career is only something that many muslim women pursue because they are not yet ready to settle down. Also it enables women to feel a sense of worth in society. In my opinion every woman is different and will go down the path they feel most comfortable with. However, if you have...
  4. N

    plz help me if u can

    I know what you mean, i have the same problem. When exam time comes, i am focused properely, praying regularly and everything and other times i just feel sluggish, even though i love Allah. I just think you need to think about the world being a test and turning to Allah at all times not only...
  5. N

    med school

    The policy is ridiculous, here in the UK many muslim medics have failed their exams and been kicked out of their medicine course because they refused to participate and examine students of the opposite gender. Also, a law was passed in feb 2008 by the GMC stating that in the hospital, scrubs...
  6. N

    med school

    The problem is that you have to allow male students to examine you and the tshirt and shorts allows them easy access to your limbs. The form states that clinical practice will be in small groups of students male and female where you practice on each other. Shy hijabi, are you in med school...
  7. N

    med school

    But in order to gain your license you have to carry out examinations of male and female patients and practise on male and female students to gain technique on both genders.
  8. N

    med school

    sorry, i got cut off before anyway, i recently applied and received a letter from the university telling me that there will be intimate clinical examinations between students, and for these we are required to wear tshirt and shorts. As a sister i obviously cannot do this any advice? what...
  9. N

    med school

    I have recently applied to several medical
  10. N

    what does it mean

    Sorry i was meant to say that it should not be alloed to be published sorry
  11. N

    what does it mean

    :salam2: I dont know what the quotation means, but i read the prologue of the 'jewel of Madina' and it completely distorts the intentions of Aisha, peace be upon her, and should be allowed to be published. The author is mixing religion with fiction as all we muslims know for a fact is what...
  12. N


    :salam2: Hope everyones Ramadan is going well. I have a question... Can somebody break their fast if they are very dehydrated? If they can, what do they have to do to make up for it and if they can't, can they sleep to pass the time until iftar? Thanks
  13. N

    I am A Newbie Want Introduce Myself and Recognize You

    BLAD yo im a newbi blad wats rolloing innit YEEEEEEEEEH The NAMES: Mustafar...
  14. N

    Best way to make dua

    Dua is defined as any invocation or prayer addressed to Allah (SWT). In our times, we find many reasons why people do not make Dua; we forget, don't know how, or just do not think it will be answered. Fundamental to this is the loss of dependence and trust upon Allah. As Muslims there is...
  15. N


    Major sins are indeed the cause for all misery, evil and torment in this world and the hereafter. And the worst of all sins are those that are greatest in harm and danger to humanity. Among the destructive major sins are backbiting and slandering. These two sins are forbidden by Allah because...