Recent content by nazeem

  1. N

    THe future of Palestine is in great small handsh

    :muslim_ :salam2: : :SMILY286: A beautiful, all inspiring video of a Palestinian girl.If this is the spirit of the children of Palestinian children then i gues Isreal will never succeed ih silencing the the poeple of Palestine. the video can be found at
  2. N

    Assalamu Alaykum

    welcome arashd :salam2: brother i admire you for your deep thinking at such a young age. may Allah be with you all the way.:salah: :salah: :salah: remember to further your studies, the only place is not America, just a matter of caution.:wasalam: :
  3. N


    :salam2: welcome i hope you will enjoy stay. cause i sure find it quite interesting.:wasalam:
  4. N

    I feel sad today, please help me

    advice :salam2: dear brother yes you are allow to feel sad but know that Allah is the All Knowing. so turn to HIM in ernest recite surah ad-duha and inshaAllah Allah will open away:wasalam:
  5. N

    Chinese story

    the chinise story i personally think it`s morally a fantastic story. one of the lessons to always seek advise from the elders. mayAllah keep the elders with us for very long insha Allah. 2 treat yor enemies as friends and you never know the final result.:astag:
  6. N

    new member

    :wasalam: as sala mu alaikum to all. ive just join the sight and hope every body is fine al ham du lillah. i am nazeem from cape town south africa.:salam2: