Recent content by nlove143

  1. N

    plss plsss pray 4 me

    :salam2: 2 all my bro's and sis's. in june im having my visa interveiw it took 3 years, and been married and away from husband family. plss all my bro's and sis; pray 4 me dat i pass my interview inshallah and finaly going home. if any1 have dua's 2 read 2 make my interveiw everything easy4 me...
  2. N

    Salaam to all of my bro's & sis's

    :salam2::tti_sister: my sponser interview will be soon inshallah i really really need dua's and prayer's from u guys so i could pass my interview test and i could go home to my husband.
  3. N

    i need help

    dua for u :salam2: may allah(swt) solve ur problem in this bessing month of rahmazan my dear sis and my fix ur husband. i noe how u fell sis. plz read 1000 times Ya-wa-du-do. if there is quarral between couples and 1 of them repeats this name 1000 times over food and has the other person...