Recent content by NURFellowship

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    A question about praying behind an imam in a masjid.

    Esselamun aleykum my dear friend Esselamun Aleykum my dear friend, Here s your answer. Namaz is everything for us. When you truly pray, you will get all your answers. "you are a Muqtadee meaning praying in congregation (Jamaat) and behind an Imam then don't perform Qiraayat meaning...
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    Esselamun Aleykum ve Rahmetullahi ve Barakatuhu!

    Esselamun aleykum my dear friend Yes My name is Muslum. Actually, it has also dots on the U's (like this Müslüm). Thank you very much for nice and warm wellcoming! Peace be upon you all.
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    Esselamun Aleykum ve Rahmetullahi ve Barakatuhu!

    Thank you very much. Allah bless you! Esselamun Aleykum!:-)
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    Esselamun Aleykum ve Rahmetullahi ve Barakatuhu!

    Esselamun Aleykum ve Rahmetullahi ve Barakatuhu my dear friends, Please be so kind to guide me in terms of a small efford on helping people who has the desire of learning and getting the light of Islam. I will try my best with true heart and Allah's(SWT) guideness. I wish this years...
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    I know the Bible says Jesus was sent only to the Children of Israel does the Quran sa

    Esselamun aleykum my dear friend Esselamun Aleykum my dear friend, I wish I would give you the right information to give you the light of Islam. First of all about Jesus( Hz. Isa-in Turkish); God sent one of the highest-ranked prophets in Islam, Jesus, to the Children of Israel. The...