Recent content by Osamah.85

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    It Hurts

    May Allah give you patience, and reward for your patience.
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    Silent Grin

    Alhamdulillah, yes.
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    ashamed to see such a behaviour

    Assalamualaikum, As hurtful as it was seeing her lose her hassanat, we must remember to be inclusive of all Muslims lest they eventually lose touch with the Muslim community. It's really tough at that point, and I'm not encouraging such behavior; I only fear that excluding Muslims who might...
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    Silent Grin

    A smile connecting the ears, A grin seducing death into coming in. The throat starts weeping red tears, In fear of the grin’s intent to commit sin. The heart starts pounding, loud and clear, As if yelling to the ones escaping, “Stop!” But they choose not to hear, And neither do they...
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    Alhamdullilah, yes.
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    I tire of every worthless breath that I take in and take out, Of every worthless heartbeat as it vibrates within my chest, Of every single action that I commit in sin, Of blaming everything evil I do on evil Jinn. I tire of listening to my evil, desirous voice, Of looking at my bad habits...
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    To God I Look For Guidance

    To God I Look For Guidance Becoming Drug Free Despicable, disgusting, damning, I think of myself as I huff And puff a smoke-filled torch, And as a rough cough torches my chest. Where have I gone? What have I done? It all started by me looking for some fun. “Something new to try!” I...
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    Assalamualaikum Brothers and Sisters. :SMILY139: I have recently joined this website. My name is Osama. I hope to know all of you better! Wassalam