Recent content by Pamela

  1. P

    Things I didn't know about Facebook

    ee i do have facebook?
  2. P

    Whats are your addiction ???

    my addiction is to pop PEPSI
  3. P

    Where do you live?

    SALAM,, Montreal.
  4. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis peanut, paper, post, part, pan, pull, pain, pills, pronounsation, palm, picture, piles, pen, pear, noun, neat, nest, no, name, nut, nile, net, nomination, ear, east, eat, earn, moutains, mole, ,mouse, mate, melt, out, open, one, nose, paste, poll...
  5. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    salam mysteriously mystery, missery, mouse, must, you ,yes, yet, sister, term, time, try, stir, serious, soul, rest, lousy, mole, slim, out, sos, toe
  6. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    Assalamu Alaikum i think i am out of words for now to think :)
  7. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    ambulance mole, mobile, auto, tomb, tale, tail, toe, out, mate, boil, bate, bat, belt, bite, bail, it, ate, eat, next: mysteriously
  8. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    Assalamu Alaikum programs par, pro, ram, rap, or, gramps, gram, am, arm, ramp, soar, so, sag, soap, next: ambulance
  9. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    salam :) hypnotized hit, hint, hop, pot, point, pond, pine, pin, net, not, toy, tie, tip, tone, toe, ton, the it, in, zip, zit, zone, dot, done, den, dozen, yet, next: programs
  10. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    Salam encyclopedia on, eid, eel, nap, nail, yeild, cold, can, cap, clone, coin, loan, load, leap, lay, no, open, ocean, peice, paid, pen, pole, plead, pie, deep, deal, den, in, aide, ape, alone, and, next: hypnotized
  11. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    multiplication map, mat, man, multi, mop, up, lip, loan, lion, lamp, limp, tap, tilt, ton, tip, tin, it, in, pull, put, pan, point, pat, pin, pill, can, cat, cap, clip, on, not, no, nail, nap, call, camp, lump, tail, lap, tall. pain, next: temperature
  12. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    challange call, can, cage, cell, hang, hall, all, age, angel, change, angle, leg, next: multiplication
  13. P

    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    obligatory or, big, bit, bat, bag, blog, lay, lab, log, it, tag, tab, toy, try, rat, rot, at, art, tar, tray, boy, glory, gray, next: challange
  14. P

    Hello everyone

    Assalamu Alaikum welcome to turntoislam nice to have you here take care salam
  15. P

    The Heart of a Muslim

    Assalamu Alaikum does anyone know where I can find to download to my computer ??.. mp3 ? thanks salam