Recent content by searcheroftruth

  1. S

    Why Should I Convert to Islam

    I'm not trying to intrude on anyone's business or anything but I think that might have been better said in a PM. Seems a bit harsh to have this seemingly private issue thrown into the middle of a thread. I'm sure Revert is only trying to help ya out
  2. S

    Flags in Islam

    Lol, I just managed to find the answer on my own! Turns out a white flag with black shahada on it represents living in an Islamic state, where as a black flag with white shahada represents living in a non Islamic state.
  3. S

    Flags in Islam

    Thank you, my friend. Though I'm still unsure about the black and white shahada flags, it explains why I'm seeing so much green! My Quran is green, my book on hadith is green, I've seen pictures of Mosques that have green on the walls and green in a lot of Islamic Caligraphy with...
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    Flags in Islam

    I think it's might be bismillah but i'm pretty sure it's shahada, then again, I can't read Arabic, so I'm pretty much going on what I've been told it says.
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    Flags in Islam

    Hello everyone, I know that there are two flags with shahada on them; one black, one white. What is the significance of the colors of the flag, if it holds significance at all? I've also seen green, but it was used by Hamas, who use green quite often (in reference to the green on the...
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    Islam in America

    I suppose you're right. It just seems hard to believe, but if any one knows what's best, it's God.
  7. S

    .... Put the glass down now :: قصــة قصيرة مترجمة إلى اللغة العربي&#15

    Wow, that's a really good story, I might have to share that with my friends and family!
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    Islam in America

    I think it depends on which America you're talking about. My little town and a city like L.A are completely different in how they accept people different from themselves. Though I'm not a Muslim, this small American town that I'm in is completely ignorant and bigoted. Teachers, students, store...
  9. S

    PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why is handshaking not allowed, and since it isn't, how do you greet another person? I know Assalam Alaikum (forgive me if that's spelled wrong, lol) but is hugging allowed? Or how do you greet non Muslims?
  10. S

    Poll For Converts Only

    Well, the easiest way to answer this is to ask what religion I HAVEN'T been. From atheist to neo-pagan, from Satanist to catholic to eastern orthodox, from wicca to scientology, buddhist and baptist, you name it, I've at the very least looked into it if not practiced it at some point or another...
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    Who's your favorite lecturer?

    Yusuf Estes was the first one I had ever seen, and, because I am related to a lot of people that look like he does and speak with that kind of southern accent he has, I related to him instantly. I saw his videos on YouTube (where I first encountered REAL Islam from lecturers) and in the "related...
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    Now, I know I may not be adding anything really productive to the conversation at hand so, pardon my ignorance, but I'm not 100% sure what a sunnah beard is. Is this where the beard is kept at fist length and the mustache is kept short? I remember reading in one of my books that people asked...
  13. S

    My introduction to the forum.

    Hey everyone, I've been studying Islam for about 2 years now and decided that, to further my understanding of Islam and if it's the right faith for me, I would talk to Muslims directly. I hope I can learn from you guys and get some good discussions and I hope to see you on the rest of the...