Recent content by Searching7

  1. S

    Sharing my nasheedh collection

    Thanks so much for posting. When I am on my home computer I will post some more on here insha Allah.
  2. S

    Western Converts?

    Asalam Alaikum GH you wont regret it, if you have any questions there are a lot of brothers and sisters on here who are more than willing to help.
  3. S

    Western Converts?

    I took my shahadah last wednesday, and telling friends and family has gone much better than I expected. I feel great about my decision and i am extremely excited to begin my journey in Islam. Thanks to all of you for your advice.
  4. S

    Video incredible videos from makkah

    salam aleikum some truly amazing videos from makkah, not sure if they are already posted on here or not, hopefully im not just reposting, but everyone really should see these, hope you enjoy
  5. S

    Most Beautiful Islamic Calligraphy

    Its beautiful, thanks for posting.
  6. S

    Western Converts?

    Thank you guys for letting me know your stories and how you personally felt about the conversion process. for some time ive known that this is something that i am definitely going to do, and it has been extremely helpful to be involved with TTI. this online community is the first place i have...
  7. S

    Sami al-Hajj speaks of his Guantanamo ordeal

    it is very sad that this happened, particularly knowing that this goes in within my own country. i am very happy to see however that sami has been released after six and a half years of detention and hope that others in guantanamo will be released as wel inshAllah. as someone who lives in the...
  8. S

    I am a moderate Muslim

    good poem, good questions. more people should read this.
  9. S

    Western Converts?

    salam aleikum just wondering if there were any here who have had the experience of converting to Islam living in the west. i am right now dealing with the issues of this situation as i am living in the united states and have been seriously considering my conversion for some time now. i have...
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    what is needed most from the ummah?!

    Very accurate portrayal of the current situation.
  11. S

    Congratulation kosovo ....

    Good luck to Kosovo and the future of all of the muslim brothers and sisters there. I understand that many on the forum may feel that the government there has problems, however this is common among newly independent governments and inshaAllah will be worked out in time. And yes Shari may...
  12. S

    recommended reading?

    Thank you guys for informing me, needless to say i won't be purchasing any of his books.
  13. S

    Video that's not hijab

    great video, thanks so much for posting it!
  14. S

    recommended reading?

    As-salaamu alaykum alright i have a new question. i went to my local bookstore to see what they had in books about Islam. i found that they had many books by Maulana Muhammad Ali that looked like they had a good amount of useful information but i wanted to find out more about him before i...
  15. S

    recommended reading?

    i'll take a look at the link and if ive got any questions ill post them