Recent content by shaya

  1. S

    Divorce my DH?

    DH means dear husband. I love him dearly and we married before God/Allah. I refuse to divorce him because it would go against God. I am committed to him. God was mentioned in our ceremony and acknowledged. I think i would be disrespectful for me to divorce DH in the eyes of God. i believe...
  2. S

    Divorce my DH?

    I went to the Musjid 2 fridays ago and was told by the Imam I had to divorce my DH if he did not convert in 3 months. Needless to say I wouldn't take the Shahada and left mad at how I was delt with. Is this customary for Islam? Am I supposed to divorce my husband?
  3. S

    Just looking

    I have been confused about religion for a long time. I KNOW that God exists but the rest is fuzzy. I DO NOT think Jesus was God. I think I am catholic but not sure. I am looking for a place to start. I guess this is as good of a place than many!