Recent content by shorif

  1. S


    Not awaking from my sleep would be better
  2. S


    thanks Ahsen, but you were in school then, I'm 20! 4'11 male. Let's be honest it's probably too late.
  3. S


    I know Allah can do anything, but a part of me is a bit paranoid - I fear that Allah is settiing me. That he's giving me this false hope just so I can behave well and increase worship, like a horse with a carrot dangling in front of it. But the way that this is going to ultimately end is...
  4. S


    dont take this the wrong way but that kinda made me feel desPair and discouraged
  5. S


    Hi, what did you mean exactly by 'love your tallness,', Don't you mean shortness?
  6. S


    Thanx for the reply Allah probably won't increase my height, and I'll probably have to accept my height, to 'tolerate' it, but I will never be 'happy'. And I know this will only cause me harm, and that it doesn't bother Allah, but I refuse to lie about it and put up a fake smile and say...
  7. S


    Thanks for the dua bro. The reason why I asked is because I've never heard or witnessed Allah answer a dua miraculously, such as in this case for example (because height is genetic) (Apart from for Prophets of course) I don't think these things ever happen. Do you know anyone who made a dua...
  8. S


    Thanks for the reply. By 'Allah will send you sakina' are you subtly saying that it is NOT gonna happen?
  9. S


    How tall are you now bro, if you don't mind me asking?
  10. S


    it's not that people say anything, I just wanted to know if Allah answers these types of dua.
  11. S


    it's not that people say anything, I just wanted to know if Allah answers these types of dua.
  12. S


    it's not that people say anything, I just wanted to know if Allah answers these types of dua.
  13. S


    How tall are you now bro, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. S


    Salam alaikum Have you, or someone you know, ever prayed to Allah to increase their height, and it was given to them? Note: I don't mean someone with tall parents who becomes tall, but a situation where everyone in that person's background is very short, but after making dua, he/she becomes...