um_mustafa Nov 13, 2010 Salams Sister , I've been away for a while its nice to see you are still here and happily married alhamdulilah Take care
Salams Sister , I've been away for a while its nice to see you are still here and happily married alhamdulilah Take care
K K Kakorot Nov 6, 2010 :salam2: what do you think sis?
Seeking Allah's Mercy May 27, 2010 :salam2:wa rahatmullahi wa baraktuhu:) hope you are good and under ALLAH's mercy. sobhanallah i loved this soo much i decided to sent it to every sister i've felt like loving:SMILY252:
:salam2:wa rahatmullahi wa baraktuhu:) hope you are good and under ALLAH's mercy. sobhanallah i loved this soo much i decided to sent it to every sister i've felt like loving:SMILY252:
Seeking Allah's Mercy May 13, 2010 sis i'm sorry but i'm getin the thread deleted so you won't be able to reply..........sorry
Seeking Allah's Mercy May 13, 2010 :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:) plzz comment on this coz i have to answer somebody:(jazakallah khairan
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:) plzz comment on this coz i have to answer somebody:(jazakallah khairan
Al-Kashmiri Apr 27, 2010 Wa`alaykum salaam I'm acting on that fool... But my connection has slowed down severely and there's quite a lot of trash to deal... post any thread links that need sorting on my VM board please (PMS) full. Quickly would help as it's a one man show (me).
Wa`alaykum salaam I'm acting on that fool... But my connection has slowed down severely and there's quite a lot of trash to deal... post any thread links that need sorting on my VM board please (PMS) full. Quickly would help as it's a one man show (me).
alkathiri Jan 2, 2010 Assalamualaikum please have a look at this inshAllah
Assalamualaikum please have a look at this inshAllah