Recent content by spanish_muslima

  1. S

    Islamic university

    Salam aleikum, I would like to recommend you this fantastic web page: It´s runnig by Dr. Bilal Philips and there few short courses about aquidah, fasting, history...etc and the best of! So don´t miss the chance. Maybe Mighty Allah bless the brother...
  2. S

    We need Ramadan

    continue... A Ramadhaan like we come in, like in a clinical or a hospital, trying to solve our illnesses, trying to come out of there without the disease we came with, trying to be better than we went in with. We need a Ramadhaan. Look around you, look to your right, look to your left, look...
  3. S

    We need Ramadan

    Salam aleikum, I posted this beatiful reflection about Ramadán.:ma: WE NEED RAMADAN Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness. Ramadhaan is a month of Rahman. Ramadhaan is the month of generosity. Ramadhaan, the month that Allah (swt) accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month that...
  4. S

    Lovely nasheeds

    Salam aleikum, I have found a interesting web page where there are a many beatiful nasheeds. The web is in spanish but in the main page you will find the option "nasheed" so just click on it an it will appear (there are in arabic and english also). My favourites...