Recent content by sueannes2000

  1. S

    Make me a muslim!

    Samiha, Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I still take issue with the notion that the "Moslems" who seek to impose their religion on others aren't practicing "Islam". That may be true as far as it goes, but that's why I said "Moslems" and not "Islam". "Islam" is an idea I have no opinion of; it...
  2. S

    Make me a muslim!

    OK, credit where credit is due. I apologize to Rosheen if I misunderstood your position; you'll forgive that my nerves are frayed over incidents like the recent murder of that poor Canadian girl by her own father. And as for IRA, that's well put. And what they did was just as evil. And I think...
  3. S

    Make me a muslim!

    I do like my head, but... Good ole Rosheen just helps to confirm our worst fears about your political movement. Regarding the stripper's notion that the hijab made her claustrophobic, Rosheen reminds us that many muslims want to kill women who don't subscribe to their ideology. And then...