Recent content by Ummu Selim

  1. U

    Will mein Leben ändern!

    wa alejkum as salam wa rahmetullahi wa barakatuh bruder :) ich bin auch albanerin und vor einiger zeit ging es mir genauso wie dir (nicht ganz so schlimm wie du glaub ich :D). doch ich habe den absprung alhamdulillah geschafft und zum wahren islam gefunden. mein leben hat sich komplett...
  2. U

    Ur muslim sis says Asslam Alikum!

    Selam Alejkum Wa Rahmetullahi Wa Barakatuh my Sister in Islam :hijabi: :SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: Welcome to the Religion of Allah: ISLAM :jumpclap: ALHAMDULILLAH I´m so happy to hear that. ALLAHU AKBAR :wasalam:
  3. U

    Salam from Austria :D

    sound of music :SMILY309: I´v never heard that Austria is called "sound of music" :confused:
  4. U

    Salam from Austria :D

    yes sister :D I didn´t know it but i found it with google and there is written that Nemsa is Austria in Arabic :lol:
  5. U

    Salam from Austria :D

    :lol: Austria is near Germani and the language there is too german but it´s not so big as Germani :biggrin: The most people don´t know Austria, because it´s not so big as other countries ;) Salam Alaikum from Austria :SMILY252:
  6. U

    Salam from Austria :D

    I've my relative she is in Sedney now , If u see here give here my dreetings :p :salam2: I´m from Austria, not Australia :SMILY231: that´s far far far away from Austria :biggrin: :wasalam:
  7. U

    Salam from Austria :D

    :salam2: I´m from Austria, i´m 25 years old, married and i have 2 children alhamdulillah. I wear my hijab alhamdulillah and i´m very proud of it. :wasalam: