Recent content by volim-islam1

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    Video Muslim in the Family UK

    Thankyou very much for this amazing video, i learnt allot and it touched my heart... and i she does deserve a kiss on her head, like brother said, mashallah to the strength she has... it's absolutley amazing how some of our brothers and sisters could not care less about there own...
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    Bosnian Nasheed Album "ILAHJE" MP3

    selam, It is intresting to find a muslim bosnain that can understand english in this website. I am bosnian too, i tried to get in contact with bosnians but i can't exactly type and understand them fully, as i am learning how to read and write at the moment (i can speak it though). nice...
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    Anyone out there daydreams uncontrollably?

    yeah, i sometimes daydream too.LOL!!!!,but i think its natural it does affect my concetration in work and stuff but what i do is try to forget everything for a moment and then my senses come back, i think that will work try it out :SMILY303:
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    Islam u bosni ?

    selam sestro, dobro pricam bosanski ali slabo pisem (tek se naucim) hocu da znam razliku izmedju bosanskog islama i kulture u bosni i gdje zivim (engleskoj), i sto je tako drugaci hvala.
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    Islam u bosni ?

    SELAM I would like to ask if anyone knows about the bosnian culture and islam the similarties and the differences. ihave found out that when i go bosnia i see the way they act towards islam is different than they way they do in the country im living in (Uk). Is it a mixture of culture? In...
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    Ebu Hanife

    :QUOTE=GAZIJA;278716]Vasijjet/oporuka imama Ebu Hanife rhm., njegovom najboljem učeniku, budućem 'alimu, Ebu Jusufu rhm.. Nakon što je Ebu Jusuf rhm., dostigao stepen rušda i zrelosti, lijepog ponašanja i ophođenja s ljudima oko sebe, Ebu Hanife rhm., mu ostavi u amanet sljedeći...
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    Thanks alot for the ahmed bukhatir nasheeds, i was looking for them he has a very beautiful voice that touches ones heart :ma: mashallah
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    thankyou for this video i think it will be very useful for our practising muslims and even i have learnt something from it jazakallah :hijabi: :ma: