What do you think? (muslim immigrant discussion)


Muslim Guy
The following was written by a Canadian guy/kid on a discussion board about this video:

I really don't like muslims at the moment.

They move to all of these countries, then demand that we change our ways of living for them. Then they act like they own the [darn] place.

It really [annoys me] how stupid some muslims are, escpecially the immagrants that demand too much stuff. (Can't even say Merry christmas at my school anymore because of them, but it's perfectly fine to say their religious holiday?)
What do you think of this? How does one argue with this, or should we argue at all?

Salam alaikum.


Junior Member
In Canada, muslims don't really care about the whole christmas/holiday thing. It's the seculerist who make a HUGE fuss about it. There was a Judge who even banned the tree from a court house. She was Jewish, but i'm willing to bet she was also a radical seculerist.

Just ask him who made this demand. Then explain to him what I just did.

For instance, before the Ontario parliment opens they deliver a speech. In that speech they mention GOD. A seculerist group is trying to have that removed.

LOL, muslims don't really care. People say Merry Christmas to me. I just say it right back.


Junior Member
The following was written by a Canadian guy/kid on a discussion board about this video:

What do you think of this? How does one argue with this, or should we argue at all?

Salam alaikum.
:salam2: From the quote,it sounds like the person just doesn't like Muslim's..period. So I would say,nothing. Some people write things like that in order to try to do their best to make people upset,hurt or angry. To cause trouble. I think maybe the best thing to say,if you want to say anything is, something kind and gentle in return. I was not raised Muslim,I am a revert,but when I was a child,my older sister said something to me that I've never forgotten,"Kill them with kindness". (Of course not literally 'kill' but I think you get my meaning.) :hijabi: :tti_sister: :wasalam:


Junior Member
Salam, I agree with Sophie, the best is to ignore them. You'll find many ignorant (as well as incredibly racist and bigoted) comments on that site written by very hateful people.


Junior Member
The vast majority of Muslims don't do that, at all. I could understand his frustration if that actually happened, but 99% of the time, Muslims keep to themselves and don't try to force their culture or religion on anyone else, which is exactly how it should be.


Sister in Islam
Also can we bear in mind the way the media make a big deal of stories such as Muslims being offended by nursery rhymes with pigs in etc....

Very likely this is the kind of thing that has led that Canadian to form that opinion

I often find people almost want you to be offended so they can validate their opinion of Muslims


Junior Member
Also can we bear in mind the way the media make a big deal of stories such as Muslims being offended by nursery rhymes with pigs in etc....

Very likely this is the kind of thing that has led that Canadian to form that opinion

I often find people almost want you to be offended so they can validate their opinion of Muslims
I agree with you exactly.:tti_sister:


Signing Out.....

Most of the time, it's got nothing to do with Muslims, it's just political correctness gone mad, in the uk anyway.



Sister in Islam

Most of the time, it's got nothing to do with Muslims, it's just political correctness gone mad, in the uk anyway.


Ah yes that old chestnut.....its nutso here, everything has to be analysed for offensive content....including nursery rhymes.


Junior Member

Lol. This is so ridiculous. We can't even say Merry Christmas at our school anymore. Wow! Look at the Muslim kids in their class does anybody celebrate Eid or Ramadan. They expect us MUSLIMS to sit around with their liitle christmas trees, swinging around some candy canes.(By the way the christmas cane is an upside-down Jesus sign.) Anyway....

Look at most calendars do they say Eid around October. NO!

Anyway the other thing, they(muslim immigrants) expect us to change our lives because of them . Look at the stupidity of these KUFFAR!

Don't they see all the "Muslim men'' with the clean cut shaves. INSTEAD of the Islamic beard which is the Sunnah of the prophet(saw). WHY do the muslim men do this. Because they want to fit in. THEIR the ones changing their lives because of these stupid KUFFAR!

By the way that's no excuse to not grow a beard for the Muslim men.

Look at the "Muslim women" taking off their NIQAABS just to fit in this stupid KUFFAR society. WOW!
I personally know someone who had to take off their hijab the next day after 9/11. So THOSE KUFFAR wouldn't attack her or insult her. LOOK AT THIS!
By the way that's no excuse for not wearing the hijab for muslim women.

WHO'S CHANGING THEIR LIVES THE MUSLIMS OR THE KUFFAR! FIRSTLY why are we changing our lives because of them that is hiding your identity, your ISLAM, YOU BEING A MUSLIM.

Don't change just because of the nation you live in.

That's foolish. We're dressing like these kuffar with our jeans, and clean-cut shaves. WHY?

Some Nasiha: Don't loose your identity by taking off your hijab or niqab.

Anyway that's my opinion.


Ma Saalam


Junior Member
well im not imposing my values to my non muslim friends thats for sure and if for christmas they say merry christmas i just say merry christmas back to them out of gesture..also my frens know christmas wasnt really the birth of jesus and it has become a secular holiday


bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq


Growing up as a Christian, Christmas never meant anything to me just a time for presents lol. I still think that way. I just see many holidays being used as capital gain and completely distorting the true essence of it. The only holiday when I was a Christian that meant anything to me was Easter but somehow down the line a Easter Bunny was incorporated with Jesus (pbuh). *shrugs*
