Slaves in Europe


I was reading about Bosnia and I found something beautiful.

Many Bosnian Christians were enslaved during the wars with Habsburg Austria, Hungary, and the Republic of Venice.

When Ottoman empire conquered Bosnia, they freed the slaves. Those newly freed slaves converted to Islam and they were free to retain their original Slavic traditions.

That was 5 centuries ago.
It shows how encompassing and liberal the fold of Islam is.

When muslim ruled Spain for several centuries, no one was forced to change their religion or culture and thats why their culture lives to this day.

I wish Europe were treating Muslims in a similar fashion tody.

It saddens me to see that the 21st century France pioneers in removing individual rights and religious freedom from mulims (banning hijab), anti-muslim propaganda and literature being encouraged throughout Europe and some prominent leaders of Europe voice their disgust regarding muslims.

When ethnic cleansing of Bosnian mulims were happening right in the heart of Europe, Bosnians were under arms embargo and Serbs were killing them, raping them...etc. It is interesting to see that those who committed genocide of Bosnian muslims are still at large and one will hear no mention of them in the media.



Allah Hu Akbar
Not only in europe in muslim countries aswell.
A few days back i was watching a documentary on turkey and they've banned hijabs at schools. i was shocked man
If muslims do it to themselves then why wouldn't a non muslim go even further?
and this media is out of hand.
Allah will save muslims though
The more they try to give islam a bad image the faster it spreads
its Allah SWT's challenge


The war agianst God and against morality is loud and clear.
It amazes me how devoted are the enemies of God in their effort to remove the concept of God from the hearts and minds of people.

In today's mass media, religion in general is mocked and rediculed, but Islam in particular is under attck in every way possible.

They see that the one religion that has the ability to stand in their way of flasehood and can prove them wrong is Islam. They want to defame Islam in order to reach their wicked goals.

"And they planned and Allah (also) planned, and Allah is the best of planners." 3:54



.~.Slave of Allah.~.
its Allah SWT's challenge

That is very true. This temporary world will come to an end very soon and when it does, then they will realise who was right and who was wrong. Allah Ta'allah is being really patient with these non-believers. But the time will come when they will get tested as well. Just these natural disasters that occur in the Western world are a test from God on their own. They will realise one day; if not in this life, definately in that life.

May Allah Ta'allah make Islam an ever growing and faster spreading religion than any other, just the way it used to be in the times of the Holy Prophet :saw2: and the four Inspiring Khalifa's May Allah be pleased with them all. Ameen



No God but Allah
I wish Europe were treating Muslims in a similar fashion tody.

It saddens me to see that the 21st century France pioneers in removing individual rights and religious freedom from mulims (banning hijab), anti-muslim propaganda and literature being encouraged throughout Europe and some prominent leaders of Europe voice their disgust regarding muslims.


I think that oppression and injustice are products of weakness and uncertainty of one's beliefs.

If those who oppress Muslims and hinder them from practising Islam were quite certain of their own beliefs and their own religion, they would never be oppressive.

They can not be terrified of a piece of cloth that a woman puts on her head!
They are rather terrified of that huge giant that oneday conquered them. They are terrified of losing that pattern of life in which nothing is forbidden, you can satisfy all your desires and follow every devil as long as you are not against their secular law.

How can we expect them to sacrifice that way of free life??
How can we expect them showing any appreciation or respect to any of our principles?


Brother gangstatt assalamu alaikum!

I have two suggestions for you as a brother and hope you won't mind. If you do, let me know and i will apologise.

First, it would be good if you could change your neckname here as it doesn't bring good thoughts to mind. Secondly, using the words such as BOMBS with the word "Islam" even as a sense of humour is not a good idea. Islam is a serious issue and should be taken seriously.

Now, back to the main point. I would like to comment on sister farhopes post.

It is not their fear of losing freedom or being conquered by muslim nations that they appose islamic values so much.
It is the fear that the truth is taking roots in the hearts of those who they have been fooling for too long and the time has come when their brainwashing tactics will not work with the public of the west anymore.



Allah Hu Akbar
Nah it's alright brother i dont mind.
well that's their job if u know what i mean
the media takes everything out of context u know
they can make the Quran wrong by taking words or sentences out of context
we can't do anything about it but i'll be careful next time
about nick name please leave it be cuz i have reasons to have it like this sorry
but i m no gangster so no need to worry
Allah Hafiz


Allah Hu Akbar
Brother we are not here to fight
we are here to understand and to spread the word of ALLAH SWT
and mashALlah you have great understanding infact all of members here do.
MashALLAH it is a heart warming experience.


Junior Member
I don't find it beautiful that the Ottoman's took the orphans and raised them as highly skilled soldiers, after they killed their parents. I understand the bulk of history is written by the Western white man, so there's bias involved, but I don't completely believe the other side of the story either. I think it's more likely something in between the two.

Their version of enslavement was better than how other cultures/religions/empires/groups treated their slaves, but it's far from being beautiful, kind, or nice. I don't see it as something to be proud of. I think all forms of enslavement is despicable and wrong, even if it's "better" than other types of enslavement.

I do like the example of the Muslims in Spain, though. I always have admired them.


No God but Allah
Now, back to the main point. I would like to comment on brother farhopes post.

It is not their fear of losing freedom or being conquered by muslim nations that they appose islamic values so much.
It is the fear that the truth is taking roots in the hearts of those who they have been fooling for too long and the time has come when their brainwashing tactics will not work with the public of the west anymore.


Assalamo alikom, brother

First, I'm your sister who does appreciate your wisdom.

Second, at the beginning of my post I said that oppression and injustice are the product of weakness and uncertainty of one's beliefs. This can summarize your point about their fear of the strong Light of the Truth because they are aware of the darkness they are wandering in.

However, the Holy Qur'an frequently states that the main reason the disbelievers rejected the Truth is that they prefer to follow their own whims, desires and benefits.

29 Nay, the wrong-doers (merely) follow their own lusts, being devoid of knowledge. But who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray? To them there will be no helpers. Ar-Room, Chapter #30, Verse #29

14 Is then one who is on a clear (Path) from his Lord, no better than one to whom the evil of his conduct seems pleasing, and such as follow their own lusts?
, Muhammad, Chapter #47, Verse #14

Those people believe that it is only one life they live. So they do their best to make use of this only one life and defend their pleasure in it with every power they have.


Allah Hu Akbar
Yeah i agree sister azhar *sarcasm lol
why doesn't this forum have the thingy where it tells everyone's gender?


No God but Allah
Asaalamu Aliakum
LOOOLOLOLOLOLOLOL sorry brothers and sisters
iam just laughing bcuz this is not the first time sum1 called farhopes brother lol
i see it on almost every thread,someone calls her brother.
salams till next time inshallah

LOL, Yes, but this does not bother me at all :SMILY286: . Sometimes, I don't even clarify. I just ask myself," what makes them believe I should be a brother??!!!"

Your sister, Amany


Junior Member
I was reading about Bosnia and I found something beautiful.

Many Bosnian Christians were enslaved during the wars with Habsburg Austria, Hungary, and the Republic of Venice.

When Ottoman empire conquered Bosnia, they freed the slaves. Those newly freed slaves converted to Islam and they were free to retain their original Slavic traditions.

When muslim ruled Spain for several centuries, no one was forced to change their religion or culture and thats why their culture lives to this day.

I wish Europe were treating Muslims in a similar fashion tody.

It saddens me to see that the 21st century France pioneers in removing individual rights and religious freedom from mulims (banning hijab), anti-muslim propaganda and literature being encouraged throughout Europe and some prominent leaders of Europe voice their disgust regarding muslims.

When ethnic cleansing of Bosnian mulims were happening right in the heart of Europe, Bosnians were under arms embargo and Serbs were killing them, raping them...etc. It is interesting to see that those who committed genocide of Bosnian muslims are still at large and one will hear no mention of them in the media.


When the Muslims were persecuted by the Pagans in Arabia, they fled to Abyssinia where they were protected by the Christians. So, there's no point considering only one-side of history, as in the past, Christians have also protected Muslims on certain situations!

Well, Hijab is also banned in Turkey, Tunisia, and in business organizations in Morocco, all of which are Muslim majority nation. So, its not an issue related to France only, some muslim countries also have the same issue with Hijab.

The Bosnian Genocide is a sad part of history, but, it has nothing to do with religion. The Turks ('Young Turks') were responsible for Armenian genocide, the Pakistanis were responsible for Bangladesh genocide, yet, they are all at large everywhere, with no one being tried for the horrific atrocities.


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

When the Muslims were persecuted by the Pagans in Arabia, they fled to Abyssinia where they were protected by the Christians. So, there's no point considering only one-side of history, as in the past, Christians have also protected Muslims on certain situations!

Don't you know that the king of Abyssinia welcomed the Muslims when he listened to their talk (Ja'far Ibn Abi Taleb was the one who presented Islam to the king) about their religion because he was completely convinced of all what they said, specially about Jesus.
The king of Abyssinia was a fair man who did not reject the Truth of Islam that's why Prophet Muhammad ordered the oppressed believers to resort to him.

Well, Hijab is also banned in Turkey, Tunisia, and in business organizations in Morocco, all of which are Muslim majority nation. So, its not an issue related to France only, some muslim countries also have the same issue with Hijab.


I think that we all know that the rulers of those countries you have mentioned are far away from representing Islam.The situation is completely different because France is supposed to be a civilized country that respects human rights and different beliefs.


Junior Member
I think that we all know that the rulers of those countries you have mentioned are far away from representing Islam.The situation is completely different because France is supposed to be a civilized country that respects human rights and different beliefs.

:salam2: ,Dear sister Amany,
What about who was deprived from going into a hospital to visit a sick girl because she wears (niqab) while she lives in a muslim country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:


No God but Allah
:salam2: ,Dear sister Amany,
What about who was deprived from going into a hospital to visit a sick girl because she wears (niqab) while she lives in a muslim country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Dear sister, Halah.
That is really very shameful !!

Did this happen in Egypt??!!! I do not think so.

P.S thanks a lot for highlighting the word "sister". :hearts: