Need your help brother and sisters


Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters

I have been a muslim my whole life but I never paid much attention to praying or anything else. Now that I want to read namaz and want to do good deeds, shaytan keeps stopping me. I want to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but he keeps putting stuff in my head that I don't want to think about and makes me say stuff that I have no control over. I want to be a good muslim because you never know when you will die. Whenever i pray, i say things that i don't mean to say and i keep cursing myself and want to destroy myself but i know it's just shaytan. Please brothers and sisters please pray for me that ALLAH guides me to the straight path and make my heart and intention good. If I don't do anything about this now, i know ALLAH will not be pleased with me. I want to please ALLAH and beg him for forgiveness. Please somebody help as to what I can do.:shymuslima1:



Aspiring Mutawakkil

Controlling the nafs is a hard and arduous task. It requires constant determination and efforts. There is no rest from it for shaytaan does not take breaks from tempting us with his whispers. He is constantly there. But don't let that scare because you can find satisfaction by realizing that Allah is always there as well and He was there First and He will be there Last. If you walk towards Him, He will run towards you inshaAllah.
Also find comfort in knowing that millions of people go through the same situation as yourself everyday...that is trying to be strong in our submission to our Rabb always...and Allah only knows how many more people have gone through it before us. Even the greatest men of mankind like the companions of the Prophet SAWS went through this each moment of their lives. so all i can say is sister, be strong and keep you intentions clear that you're only seeking His pleasure in this world and the next inshaAllah. And every time you realize you're not concentrating enough in salah then stop for a second, say the ta'oudh (a'oudhubillahi minash shaytaan nirrajeem) to clear your mind and then continue. You can also research articles on how to attain khushoo in your does wonders believe me. And the most important thing is keep up the duaa't. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. It is the best weapon of a believer and one that is unfortuantely forgotten often. We will keep you in our duaa't as well.

Lastly, I'd like to remind you about this gets to me every time i read it. I hope it helps you inshaAllah.

"A man said to the prophet. 'By Allah, Oh Messenger of

Allah, I do love you.' The Prophet (SAWS) said 'Look at what your

saying.' The man said 'By allah I love you.' And he said it

three times. The Prophet looked at him and said 'If you

really love me, be prepared for poverty, for extreme

hardship rushes more rapidly towards a person who loves

me than a flood flows to its goal.' " SubhanAllah.



Junior Member

Allah subhanuwatla has created us to worship him and be tested..... I undrstand dat life can be hard but u know wat nothing in this life is easy, i think sister dat its ur jihaad to strive, stuggle and fight this shaytan dat wispers in ur mind sister......becuz i 2 use to face the same problem as u...but Alhumdulila im coping now..... i turned to the quran the last to surahs, SURAH FALAQ AND SURAH NAS.....both were revealed to the Prophet (saw) for protection from the accursed shaytan.....

inshAllah read the surah and their meaning and inshAllah Allah will indeed help u.....



Junior Member
thank u so much brother and sisters
I read the quran and namaz right now with full intentiona nad asked ALLAH for forgiveness
I feel so much better
thank you
May ALLAH forgives our sins and show us the right path