Junior Member
Basically i know this friend which just got married a few months ago abroad, apparntely she says that she was forced into it by her parents but she had the option to marry him or not, and she agreed to marry him but still states that she was forced, however now that she is back in england (her husband is still abroad), she has a boyfriend, even though she is married, she has put her parents through alot (she never listens to them etc, she never talks 2 her husband abroad) she is in contact with her boyfriend all the time and is always going on about how she is going to marry him.
As a sister i have told her that you are commiting a major sin within what you are doing, but she never listens, and is always disrespecting her parents, I have told her soo many times what she is doing is wrong....and she knows its wrong but still carrys on doing it..So is there advice out there which would help her and also make her realize that she is doing wrong??



You have said that which needed to be said. She is responsible for the consequences of her decision. She is not going to listen to anyone. She does not respect anyone including herself. I would not address this issue anymore with her..and forgive me but I would distance myself from her.


Junior Member

I think you have done pretty much all you can do...I agree with sister Mirajmom that to distance yourself from her would be a good idea and may make her think. She is commiting a big haraam - so stop calling her and seeing her and when she ask you why - be honest, patient and just say " I can't be around you at the moment because of what you are doing. You know its wrong but you havent stopped so I feel it is better for me if I am not around you right now. If you need me I am here but otherwise dont expect to see me"

This might make her think and see how serious it is. Of course she may get defensive or argue and it maybe painful for you because you will be wondering whats happening but it is bettter . If a friend was drinking alcohol, you would not be around them because your presence would be seen as condoning ( allowing) their actions. Its the same with this. I know you will worry about her but this might be the wake-up she needs- when she sees how serious you take it, it will INSHA'ALLAH make her realise how serious it is.

I would of course make lots of du'a for her insha'allah. We are told we are only warners for each other and we are told not to keep company with people who deny Allah swt's rules and laws and advice and stop speaking to them if they pesist in commiting haram - you have warned her masha'allah repeatedly, now it is time to take yourself away from her and see if this makes her stop her ways insha'allah

She will respect you more and see how she should respect herself insha'allah and of course we pray she will respect Allah swt more...



Junior Member

I think you have done pretty much all you can do...I agree with sister Mirajmom that to distance yourself from her would be a good idea and may make her think. She is commiting a big haraam - so stop calling her and seeing her and when she ask you why - be honest, patient and just say " I can't be around you at the moment because of what you are doing. You know its wrong but you havent stopped so I feel it is better for me if I am not around you right now. If you need me I am here but otherwise dont expect to see me"

This might make her think and see how serious it is. Of course she may get defensive or argue and it maybe painful for you because you will be wondering whats happening but it is bettter . If a friend was drinking alcohol, you would not be around them because your presence would be seen as condoning ( allowing) their actions. Its the same with this. I know you will worry about her but this might be the wake-up she needs- when she sees how serious you take it, it will INSHA'ALLAH make her realise how serious it is.

I would of course make lots of du'a for her insha'allah. We are told we are only warners for each other and we are told not to keep company with people who deny Allah swt's rules and laws and advice and stop speaking to them if they pesist in commiting haram - you have warned her masha'allah repeatedly, now it is time to take yourself away from her and see if this makes her stop her ways insha'allah

She will respect you more and see how she should respect herself insha'allah and of course we pray she will respect Allah swt more...


I know what you are trying to say but it is hard 4 me to stay away from her, i treat her like a sister, but inshallah i will try.. i just feel sorry 4 her parents as she has put them through alot.. But yh all what i could do now is just pray 2 Allah!
Her parents even try'd to explain 2 her stop commiting a big sin but if you think about it if she doesnt listen to her parents doubt it she takes into account what i have to say.. So yh im going to try to keep my distance! Thankyou for the advice