Man Dies in Sajdah!


Striving For Jannah
Below is a picture of a man who died in sajdah in Masjid an-Nabawi.
When I saw this, I immediately imagined Malik al Mawt 'alayhis-salaam coming to this person while he was in sajdah, and just reaching in, and removing his soul. He didn't even have time to sit up and look (rahmatullahi 'alayh).
Our moments are priceless. We never know when we'll look up and see Malik al Mawt there for us. Before we can ask him why he's there, his job will be done.

"Know that the only thing that can keep a saalik away from Allah Ta'ala is laziness, and there is no cure for laziness except for hard work and effort." ~Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed (db)

"Have you ever been awakened in the morning by the alarm clock in the middle of a wonderful dream? What happens? You try to go back to sleep, but what doesn't happen? The dream doesn't return. Life is that dream. If you knew you were going to die one year from today, what would you do with the next year of your life? Do those things." [The Rhythm of Life]



Junior Member
BISMILLAH asalam aleikum warahma tullahi wa barakatu may ALLAH GRANT HIM JANAH . WHEN I SEE THIS IT BRING TEARS IN MY EYES AND FEAR IN MY HEART MAY ALLAH REWARD YOU FOR THIS VIDEO SHUKRAN. asalam aleikum warahma tullahi wa barakatu


Staff member

May Allah give him jannah and forgive his sins. Yes in a way he is lucky.

There was thread similar to this before which was deleted, where the author claimed the man would go straight to heaven and things like this.

Simply dying in MAsjid al Nabawi or even the ka'bah is not enough for person. One must have correct beliefs in Islam by worshipping Allah properly and following his blessed Prophet :saw: .




May Allah give him jannah and forgive his sins. Yes in a way he is lucky.

There was thread similar to this before which was deleted, where the author claimed the man would go straight to heaven and things like this.

Simply dying in MAsjid al Nabawi or even the ka'bah is not enough for person. One must have correct beliefs in Islam by worshipping Allah properly and following his blessed Prophet :saw: .


Very well said


New Member
i agree, nobody can say wether someone is in the paradise or not...
scholars say that satan's main job is trying to get people out of islam (at the moment of death) by reminding em of what they cherished the most in their life (money, familly, music...OR Allah's sake for the most luky)

our prophet salla laho 3alayhi wa sallam said anyone that say laa ilaha illa llah before he dies goes to paradise...

what do you think this man was saying in his sojoud !
may allah give us a death like this, amine.


Senior Member
i agree, nobody can say wether someone is in the paradise or not...
scholars say that satan's main job is trying to get people out of islam (at the moment of death) by reminding em of what they cherished the most in their life (money, familly, music...OR Allah's sake for the most luky)

our prophet salla laho 3alayhi wa sallam said anyone that say laa ilaha illa llah before he dies goes to paradise...

what do you think this man was saying in his sojoud !
may allah give us a death like this, amine.


This man died in Masjid according to the ajmal_ihsaas22,so satan didnt play his job in here,as we know that satan didnt like masjid,he only watch him outside.

ppl died saying laa ilaha illah llah means that he died in Islam.
May Allah swt grant him jannah,amin.



Allah Hu Akbar
very well said sister Diane
i think satan can't enter a masjid at all. i dont know for sure but i think i've heard something like that.
can any1 confirm please?


New Member
yes he can...

The Prophet peace be upon Him, ordered poeple to make good rows in group prayer and he ordered to move closer each other's feet and shoulders in order not to let satan pass through rows
besides, it was reported that the Prophet salla laho 3alayhi wa sallam once while paraying has steped forward and he was asked why, He responded that it was to forbid satan to pass in fron of Him (pbuh)
finally, the prophet (pbuh) ordered people to always put "Sutra" (an obstacle) in front of them in order to avoid corrupting prayer by some one passing in front or by satan...


Turn To Islam
yes he can...

The Prophet peace be upon Him, ordered poeple to make good rows in group prayer and he ordered to move closer each other's feet and shoulders in order not to let satan pass through rows
besides, it was reported that the Prophet salla laho 3alayhi wa sallam once while paraying has steped forward and he was asked why, He responded that it was to forbid satan to pass in fron of Him (pbuh)
finally, the prophet (pbuh) ordered people to always put "Sutra" (an obstacle) in front of them in order to avoid corrupting prayer by some one passing in front or by satan...

Salam Bro,

I agree with you on this and was told the same. That's why when you attend some Mosques you will find brothers who pray close against each other and their feet touching each others and the reason is not allow Shaitan in between.

In saying this you'll find some other people offended when a brother tries to keep his feet close to the brother next to him, edging slightly away when not knowing what the benefits are for doing this and reasons behind it.

Shaitan is everywhere even as far as hiding in our veins waiting to attack.




what a beautiful death. i once heard a scholar point out a hadith that said " whosoever dies upon something, on the day of resurrection, he will be resurrected in the state that he died. " imagine dying in a position of sujood and being resurrected before your creator in such a way. that would be beautiful. may ALLAH SWT make all of our deaths as beautiful as this man in the photo.


island muslim

Junior Member

Salaam alaiykum ,

I found a video of this incident.


like brothers and sisters said this ahppend at masjid al nabawi. I cant think of a better way to die other than the battlefield defending muslim lands.

May allah grant him jennah ameen.


muslim sis
asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabrakatuhu!

may ALLAH SWT forgive all his sins AMEEN.:tti_sister:

jazakallah kheir for sharing the video.



Junior Member
Reminds me of the fable in 1001 Arabian Nights

The Angel of Death comes to the poor man and says "Your time is up" and the poor man says "Just wait a little bit". Than the poor man prepares his salaat and tells the Angel "Take me when I'm in sujood".


Shahid abdullah
Simply dying in MAsjid al Nabawi or even the ka'bah is not enough for person.

Exactly brother Mabsoot. As some of us say we were lucky if we born in the era of prophet(SAW) but abu jehal is also in the era of prophet(SAW).

There is a story as well. I dont know exact words
I dont know the name of the sahabi he died in gazwa, one women said you are lucky you will enter into jannah directly. Prophet(SAW) said dont say that may be he did some wrong.