
Junior Member
Hijab is a protection for a muslim women. It hides the natural ornaments (breast, hair. Shapes that tent to be different from men). In was the same thing in Christianity just 40 years ago Christian women never went to church without covering their hair. And just 60, 70 years ago, Christian women would never come outside with a short skirt. Even the nuns, come to modality today because the nouns committed them self to church and religion life’s, they are not Muslims they also cover them self and nothing on them was seen besides hands and face. The fact the modern civilizations chose to wear bikinis besides covering their head. Does not mean if god is wrong and they are right. And for Muslim women covering her head is a protection for her, it is a distinguish for her; it is a uniform so she will be known as a Muslim women. She will not be molested or insulated and no need for a man to stare at her because there isn’t a natural attraction. Therefore, it is more than likely she can come and go with dignity. And it doesn’t mean if a Muslim women doesn’t cover herself means she is immoral. But Allah says to our mothers, sisters, daughter must be covered in a safe placed. And for those willing to wear hijab. Sisters protect yourself meet the challenge of hijab maintain the dignity the signature of a Muslim women, don’t have any doubts about it. Everything in life which is valuable is undercover. Our cash, our gold, silver, diamond. And our Muslim women are worth more than us then our cash or gold and stocks and bonds