non-alcoholic wine


Junior Member
im on the long quest of trying to find a husband.... but i was talking to this one guy who is a muslim revert and asking to make sure he doesnt drink. and he says no but he drinks non-alcoholic wine, which of course is different than grape juice. He claims he only does this at social occasions but to me if you drink any thing that says wine alcoholic or non alcoholic in a public setting; you're trying to fit in with the kaffir. so does anyone know if non-alcoholic wine, is haram?


Junior Member
I have never heard of an non alcoholic wine but have heard of non alcoholic beer considering both are similar. to what i know they are made out of fermented barley and wheat rather then an grape. I know they sell those in Saudi Arabia and my cousin used to drink it. I have never tasted it so I don't know how it is but again as a Muslim I don't drink any alcoholic or non alcoholic drink of any kind. may allah help you find a husband who is good in every manner for you.



i think the substances contained in non-alcoholic wine are okay, but the fact that the word wine is used, turns me off a little. i kind of feel that when one goes through the rigors of making wine non-alcoholic, aren't they in essence really desiring real wine? like when vegetarians eat veggie burgers, aren't they really wishing that they can eat hamburgers. that's just my feeling. i'm not gonna issue a fatwa on this. i would avoid it myself personally. that's just me.



Salafi Dawah is the best
non alcholic wine is carbonated juice no matter what you call it it's halal. They even make non alcholic beer and sell it in Muslim countries....why you ask...some people actually like the taste


Junior Member
Allah judge us for our intentions : what is the point of coming even near to something called "halal'" beer or "halal" wine or "halal" pork ? I'm sure even the can or the bottle will resemble a normal beer or wine! It's like taking a beer can and fill it with water and drink it! Non sense!
What is the real intention behind that? Aren't we supposed to imitate the wrongdoers?