Muslim from Singapore


New Member
Im new to this site and I knew about it from my mum. I'd thought I should have a visit so I can get to know more about the life of Muslims in other countries too. At the same time, I hope I can seek more knowledge too. Insha'allah. :hijabi:


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah,

welcome to the website dear Sister. :)

I have been to Singapore, albeit just the airport. lol. Nice airport has the best prayer room and Wudhu facilities i have seen in any airport.... :p I was on my way to Australia and New Zealand.

i hope i can visit the Singapore properly one day inshaAllah. I also want to visit Malaysia, Indonesia and Phillipines. Actually i want to go everywhere lol.

We are all Muslims, elhamdulilah and it is great to have people from all over the world here. We are a family.

Take Care.



Junior Member

Welcome to the website sister. I hope you enjoy using it as much as the rest of us :) May Allah further increase your knowledge.


Abul Harith

Active Member
Staff member
Walaikom Salam

Welcome to the website sister. Insha'Allah we share and encourage each other to seek knowledge and practice this deen as fully as possible.


Mabsoot - regarding the provisions in Singapore Airport - that is a great accolade :arabi1:




New Member


May Bless you and your family. Alhamdulillah to know that you are from Singapore, me too. Best if you could help to mail this site to your friends and let the family grow.:SMILY206:
