bintul islam

biz musulmanikh
If I had the choice, I would choose Mekka only coz the reward is the greatest. If it wasn't for the reward factor, I would chose Medina (I LOVE Medina). Apart from these two holy cities, I'd pick umm actually that's harder than I thought. Probably some tropical area with rainforests and stuff but has to have an Islamic touch to it.


AlQudsu tunadeena

i love makkah...when i'm there i feel so close to Allah, and when i leave i feel as if i'm being torn away, but i would love to live in Madinah, the city of the prophet, after All prophet :saw2: himself chose Madinah.
besides that in reality, i wouldn't mind staying any where in saudi arabia the closer to the haramain the better, at least i wouldn't have the law interfering about how i teach islam to my chilldren( when i have them,) and i like the way people dress, i remember looking from the hotel window after Taraweeh Salah, and thought this looks more like equality, most men in white, and wome in black,(i sppose i should stop dreaming,lol.)
AL-Aqsa is beautifull too...if peace was restored to some extent, i'd love to live in the historic city of Al-Quds.
i would consider syria, i heard it's nice.(actually i heard that women over there memorize sahih bukhaari and sahih muslim, is it true?)

we shouldn't rlly only be choosing The Haramain, i suppose, we r all dreaming.
after all the sahabah RadhiAllahu Anhum also moved out from there to do what their religion required of them, +, if we only get to go to the Haramain every now and then i believe we'd appreciate the magnificance of the place more.

Ma assalaama


I would love 2 live near our prophet(savas) but I wouldn't dare.For us it's easy 2 live in wholly muslim country where u always hear adzans.It's the most beautiful thing.I would like 2 travel Japan


New Member
It would simply be Makkah or Madinah. esp I want to live 2 blocks away from the 2 mosques. That is trually my wish.


New Member
As'Salaam Alaikum

I would like to live in a place where Islam is not spred properly and I would like to call people towards Islam - Insh'Allah

Jazak'Allah Khair


Salafi Dawah is the best
i would consider syria, i heard it's nice.(actually i heard that women over there memorize sahih bukhaari and sahih muslim, is it true?)

Children are taught to memorize the Quran from a very eary age, as for the hadiths though, they don't learn this in school, it's up to the parents to teach them this.:wasalam: