Calling all Irish Muslims!


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum

Just wondering if there are any Irish Muslims here, particularly reverts. As one myself, I would appreciate some help in adapting to my new faith and how you have dealt with family etc. Of course, this thread is not solely exclusive to irish reverts, any brothers or sisters who can help and advise me would be welcome. We are all one Ummah afterall.



Junior Member
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I'm only about 25% Irish, and my family doesn't really place a lot of importance on our roots, but I did revert about 16 months ago. Alhamdulilah I didn't have such a hard time telling my family, and after a few short discussions they seemed to accept it. However there have been people on these forums that say that telling their family is one of the hardest parts of their reversion.

As far as adapting goes, at first you might feel strange interrupting a conversation because you have to pray, or not eating at family meals because your fasting, ect., but after a while you become accustomed to it and it feel like the weight that was placed on your shoulders when you became Muslim gets lifted little by little.

It's really just about placing your trust in Allah and striving to do what He wants you to do.

May Allah make it easy for you



New Member

Do You know who a believer is
آیا میدانی مؤمن کیست ؟

When he is strong he forgives easily
هنگام تسلط و توانایی گذشت می کند

He is soft and mild in behaviour
رفتارش ملایم است

His actions and his walking show modesty
شیوه ی زندگی (و راه رفتنش ) آمیخته با فروتنی است

He is ready to bear pain for the comfort of others
حاضر است خود را به زحمت بیندازد تا دیگران در آسایش باشند

In friendship he is pure
در دوستی خالص است

He is reliable when he promises
در پیمان استوار است

In his judgements, he does not oppress or take the part of anybody
در داوریها ستم نمی ورزد و جانبداری نمی کند

He is enxious to purify and clear the source of his earning
در برنامه زندگی اقتصادی خود اندیشه و تدبیری نیکو دارد

He respects the right of people in their absence
در نبودن اشخاص حقوق آنان را رعایت می کند

He accepts the excuse of the faulty
عذر پذیر است

He is generous , without prodigality and wastings
بسیار بخشنده است، بی آنکه اسرافگر یا زیاده روی کند

He is kind and compassionnate to the poor and weak persons
نسبت به درماندگان بسیار مهربان و دلسوز است

Anyone could expect his help in the difficulties
در هر مشکلی می توان به یاری او دل بست

If any person does good to him her remembers it
اگر از کسی خوبی دید از آن یاد می کند

He guides those who consult him to get advise
کسی را که با او مشورت می کند ، به راهی که خیر و صلاح می داند آشنا می سازد

He does not divulge the secret of other
پرده کسی را نمی درد

He is honest and trustworthy
در اسرار مردم امین و امانت دار است

He avoids coercion, ignorance, lies
از زورگوئی ، دروغ و نادانی می پرهیزد

He mixes conscience with patience in his behaviour
دانش و شکیبایی را با هم بکار می برد

He is good tempered and treats people well and kindly
با دیگران با خلق و خوی خوش رفتار می کند

He is not cruel and rude towards his inferiors
نسبت به زیر دستان خود سخت گیری و بدرفتاری نمی کند

He is far from being an idle man
اورا از کسالت و بی حالی دور می بینی

He follower the path of his precedessors good leadership
از روش نیکوکارانی که پیش از او وجود داشته اند، پیروی می کند

He does not perfrom good action for ostentation and showing off
هیچ کار نیک را برای ریا و خودنمایی انجام نمی دهد

He does not abandon the occasion for benefaction, at the pretext of embarassement
هیچ اقدام خیری را از سر شرم وانمی نهد

He is not proud and selfish , nor ostentatious
نه متکبر و خودخواه است و نه حیله گر و مکار

He says nothing but truth
جز به راست سخن نمی گوید

The love of food does not disgrace him
شکم پرستی او را به رسوائی نمی کشاند

He is far from envy
بخل نمی ورزد

He does not hurry in his actions
در کارهایش شتاب و عجله نمی کند

He does not pounce on anyone
پرخاشگر نیست

He does not insult others
با سخنان ناسزا کسی را نمی رنجاند

He is not disparager, nor backbiting
نه عیبجوی مردم است و نه در پشت سر آنان بدگویی می کند

He is not slack
سست و سهل انگار نیست

He does not interfere in a matter which does not concern him
در اموری که به او مربوط نیست ، دخالت نمی کند

He does not loose countenance in the fact of violence and calamity
در سختی ، سستی به او دست نمی دهد

In opulence , he does not become proud, and does not forget his duties in distress
در آسایش ، خود را فراموش نمی کند و مغرور نمی گردد

He does not fall into a similar difficulty twice
از یک سوراخ دوبار گزیده نمی شود

When he is rich, he does not forget moderation
در هنگام بی نیازی ، میانه روی را از دست نمی دهد

When he is poor,without giving up his dignity
در تنگدستی ، عزت نفس خود را پاس می دارد

In all his aksing & inquiries , he seeks to increase his knowledge
اگر می پرسد مقصودش یاد گرفتن است (نه آزار دادن )

He never scolds anybody unreasonably
بی جهت کسی را یرزنش نمی کند

He helps the oppressed persons
ستم دیده را یاری می کند

He is a help for religion
یاری کننده ی دین است

He keeps silent to avoid mistakes
سکوت را اختیار می کند تا از لغزش ها سالم بماند

He respects justice in his actions towards others
در روابط خود با مردم انصاف را رعایت می کند

To the orphans , he is like a father
نسبت به یتیمان همچون پدر است

He is not taking pain for futile things
زندگی را سخت نمی گیرد

If he keeps a loof from anybody , it is not because of his pride
اگر از کسی دوری می کند از سر کبر و خودپسندی نیست

He is ,as well , a good leader for his successors
بنابراین ، شایسته است که پیشوای نیکوکاران بعد از خویش قرار گیرد



spread the peace
I hope we are all believers

really good one should acquire those qualities you described but also,we should keep them up. since, faith is liable to be up n down.



Junior Member
Asalamu alaikum my Irish brother! :)
I wasn't born in Ireland, but I have Irish-heritage. My dad's side of the family is all Irish, while my mom's side is Irish/Danish.

But yeah. I can't really say how my family dealt with it since I haven't told them yet...but my dad's side of the family are all Irish great Aunt is even a nun and I know they're going to have a problem with it.


Junior Member

:jazaak: for sharing sis but my poor old eyes hurt for sure ;) the colour being used that is :):)

Do You know who a believer is
آیا میدانی مؤمن کیست ؟

When he is strong he forgives easily
هنگام تسلط و توانایی گذشت می کند

He is soft and mild in behaviour
رفتارش ملایم است

His actions and his walking show modesty
شیوه ی زندگی (و راه رفتنش ) آمیخته با فروتنی است

He is ready to bear pain for the comfort of others
حاضر است خود را به زحمت بیندازد تا دیگران در آسایش باشند

In friendship he is pure
در دوستی خالص است

He is reliable when he promises
در پیمان استوار است

In his judgements, he does not oppress or take the part of anybody
در داوریها ستم نمی ورزد و جانبداری نمی کند

He is enxious to purify and clear the source of his earning
در برنامه زندگی اقتصادی خود اندیشه و تدبیری نیکو دارد

He respects the right of people in their absence
در نبودن اشخاص حقوق آنان را رعایت می کند

He accepts the excuse of the faulty
عذر پذیر است

He is generous , without prodigality and wastings
بسیار بخشنده است، بی آنکه اسرافگر یا زیاده روی کند

He is kind and compassionnate to the poor and weak persons
نسبت به درماندگان بسیار مهربان و دلسوز است

Anyone could expect his help in the difficulties
در هر مشکلی می توان به یاری او دل بست

If any person does good to him her remembers it
اگر از کسی خوبی دید از آن یاد می کند

He guides those who consult him to get advise
کسی را که با او مشورت می کند ، به راهی که خیر و صلاح می داند آشنا می سازد

He does not divulge the secret of other
پرده کسی را نمی درد

He is honest and trustworthy
در اسرار مردم امین و امانت دار است

He avoids coercion, ignorance, lies
از زورگوئی ، دروغ و نادانی می پرهیزد

He mixes conscience with patience in his behaviour
دانش و شکیبایی را با هم بکار می برد

He is good tempered and treats people well and kindly
با دیگران با خلق و خوی خوش رفتار می کند

He is not cruel and rude towards his inferiors
نسبت به زیر دستان خود سخت گیری و بدرفتاری نمی کند

He is far from being an idle man
اورا از کسالت و بی حالی دور می بینی

He follower the path of his precedessors good leadership
از روش نیکوکارانی که پیش از او وجود داشته اند، پیروی می کند

He does not perfrom good action for ostentation and showing off
هیچ کار نیک را برای ریا و خودنمایی انجام نمی دهد

He does not abandon the occasion for benefaction, at the pretext of embarassement
هیچ اقدام خیری را از سر شرم وانمی نهد

He is not proud and selfish , nor ostentatious
نه متکبر و خودخواه است و نه حیله گر و مکار

He says nothing but truth
جز به راست سخن نمی گوید

The love of food does not disgrace him
شکم پرستی او را به رسوائی نمی کشاند

He is far from envy
بخل نمی ورزد

He does not hurry in his actions
در کارهایش شتاب و عجله نمی کند

He does not pounce on anyone
پرخاشگر نیست

He does not insult others
با سخنان ناسزا کسی را نمی رنجاند

He is not disparager, nor backbiting
نه عیبجوی مردم است و نه در پشت سر آنان بدگویی می کند

He is not slack
سست و سهل انگار نیست

He does not interfere in a matter which does not concern him
در اموری که به او مربوط نیست ، دخالت نمی کند

He does not loose countenance in the fact of violence and calamity
در سختی ، سستی به او دست نمی دهد

In opulence , he does not become proud, and does not forget his duties in distress
در آسایش ، خود را فراموش نمی کند و مغرور نمی گردد

He does not fall into a similar difficulty twice
از یک سوراخ دوبار گزیده نمی شود

When he is rich, he does not forget moderation
در هنگام بی نیازی ، میانه روی را از دست نمی دهد

When he is poor,without giving up his dignity
در تنگدستی ، عزت نفس خود را پاس می دارد

In all his aksing & inquiries , he seeks to increase his knowledge
اگر می پرسد مقصودش یاد گرفتن است (نه آزار دادن )

He never scolds anybody unreasonably
بی جهت کسی را یرزنش نمی کند

He helps the oppressed persons
ستم دیده را یاری می کند

He is a help for religion
یاری کننده ی دین است

He keeps silent to avoid mistakes
سکوت را اختیار می کند تا از لغزش ها سالم بماند

He respects justice in his actions towards others
در روابط خود با مردم انصاف را رعایت می کند

To the orphans , he is like a father
نسبت به یتیمان همچون پدر است

He is not taking pain for futile things
زندگی را سخت نمی گیرد

If he keeps a loof from anybody , it is not because of his pride
اگر از کسی دوری می کند از سر کبر و خودپسندی نیست

He is ,as well , a good leader for his successors
بنابراین ، شایسته است که پیشوای نیکوکاران بعد از خویش قرار گیرد



Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum [Peace be unto you] brother irish_muslim_08,

You wrote the following in post #1:

Just wondering if there are any Irish Muslims here, particularly reverts. As one myself, I would appreciate some help in adapting to my new faith and how you have dealt with family etc. Of course, this thread is not solely exclusive to irish reverts, any brothers or sisters who can help and advise me would be welcome. We are all one Ummah afterall.

I'm not Irish. However, I believe I have some advice that will -God willing- help you to deal with your family:

1- There has been some official statements of the Roman Catholic Church that most Catholics would be very surprised to read. But before you read them, let me make it perfectly clear that we Muslims do not need or seek the approval of other religions or institutions. We have the Book of Allah, the authentic sayings of His Messenger [peace be upon him] and the example of how the Companions understood and implemented these two sources, and that's perfectly adequate to us.

I'm just going to mention the link to these Catholic Church statements in order to make your family's stance towards your conversion to Islam less aggressive or even neutral [God willing].

Please click on the following link, and read my posts numbered 1, 2, 4 and 11:

In my post #11 on the above thread, I mentioned an article written by a Catholic who reverted to Islam [Mr. Michael Byrne]. Among other things, he wrote the following:

Though surprised at my conversion to Islam, none of my Catholic family spoke against the published opinions of the world's Catholic bishops. They wished me well in my new faith.

2- There are some surprising statements of some Catholic priests concerning using the name "Allah" by Catholics. Please click on the following link and read all of my posts in the thread "Catholic priests say Allah":

3- You could show your family members some videos of Irish people [or people of Irish ancestry] who became Muslims. Here's a few of them:






Wassalamu Alaikum [and Peace be unto you]


Junior Member
welcome to TTI brother ... May Allah have His blessing and Mercy on you.. and Guide you .. Allah hafiz


Junior Member
i'm not irish,i'm egyption..
but,we're all ummah..
nice to meet u
enjoy ur stay