For Men and Women


Striving For Jannah
Both the brothers and sisters must follow the guidelines of hijab that Allah has set for us. As stated in Surah Noor Verses 30-31.

Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty, that is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husband’s fathers or their sons or their husband’s sons or their brothers, or their brother’s sons or sister’s sons or their women or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women’s nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O, believers in order that you may succeed

Lets start with the brothers . . .

Brothers, if you know what kind of underwear someone wears, and that person isn’t your spouse, then you might be in trouble. . .

LOWER your gaze!

I understand that by living in such a sexualized society as the US, it doesn’t make things any easier..

This is one of Allah’s tests for the brothers

Prophet Muhammed said:

There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women” Al Bukhari

Now, moving on to the sisters

Sisters on the other hand are required to physically wear a veil

This is one of Allah’s tests for the sisters

Just like how a rare gem is hidden in a safe with many locks to prevent it from being robbed because its value, a woman is protected by observing hijab to prevent her from being robbed of her value

SISTERS, no man/stranger has a right to see your beauty

Also, a sister in hijaab is in an act of worship each and every second she wears her hijaab. :ph34r: :)

Many Muslim girls feel that at least if I dress modestly, I will be ok :no:

We don’t make the rules, Allah does. Even if there is uncertainty, ( which there shouldn’t be since Allah made this religion complete), we should go seek knowledge.

And if you’re looking for an Islamic ruling which pleases you…you will find it, but if you are looking for the Islamic ruling which pleases Allah, there is only one.

Once you truly love Allah, you won’t disobey him but rather listen to him and carry out his commands. We shouldn’t be concerned with what is seen by society, but rather what is seen by Allah.

Many people take on a defeatist mentality when you’re looking at their state of religiousity

“Allah doesn’t want me to be amongst the righteous”
“Allah doesn’t want good for me”
“Allah doesn’t want hijaab for me”

No one has access to Allah’s knowledge. Do not speak on His behalf! We will all be held accountable for our actions.
Making such statements is playing the “blame game” – but this time, you are placing the blame on Allah!

A sister came to the sheikh and said “ I wasn’t guided to wear the hijab”

He replied “How do you know that”

She said “Cant you see, I’m not wearing the hijab”

He replied” But you know hijab is wajib”

"yes" she replied

The Shakyh said “ Lets go next door, there’s a store which has hijabs. If we go next door and a flying piano falls on your head, I know then that Allah doesn’t want you to wear hijab. Its not Allah but you who doesn’t want to wear it

We all assume attaining Jannah will be easy, or else a reward would have no meaning to it.

Waking up for fajr is a hardship.

Fasting is a hardship.

Lowering your gaze is a hardship.

Putting on Hijab is a hardship.

If you have a sincere desire, you will find a thousand ways to do it and if you are not sincere, you will find a thousand excuses.

Let us all carry out the command of Allah, Inshallah!​

much love :wub:

Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
Asalam alaikom.

I am enjoying reading your threads. They are all very interesting, and all very true. Lol it was funny about the part, if a piano falls on her head then you will know its true.

Thanks for sharing. Salam


Junior Member
very encouring and something to learn from this post.... living in this present world where ur eyes commit sin every step is not easy to avoide but not impossible ......... May Allah have mercy on us and keep us safe from evil ...