How do I tell my parents!!


New Member
Assalamu Aleykum
I recently came to know Islam Feb. 4th, so I am new muslim. It took much confidence to do the right thing, I mean the strength...especially growing up a Christian it was a very hard desicion for me... but I must face another hard desicion...and that is telling my parents
Well My parents Strict Christians,When i say strict i mean like I am only aloud to listen to certain music, have to go to church with my family, prayer at dinner table etc. my mother wants everything Christian in her home,, goes to church every sunday etc... and then theres me...I have to admit I have gone through many faises in my life as a teenager, but I know this isnt a faise...I want to devote my life to Islam to be a good muslim...
and I cant do this by hiding what I believe...HOW DO I TELL MY FAMILY! (by the way i recently turned 15 this march)...(mostly my mother and father) I just dont know how to bring it up, they will be soo ashamed and they will look at me differently, i dont want to feel unconfortable around them( I want to be able t tell me,, but how! I cant hide this anymore...does anyone have any ideas or thoughts?? I am in need...I dont want to go a year without them knowing...I just want to get it over with....PLEASE HELP!:SMILY176:

Al Qassimi

Junior Member

Before I type any further to let you know this is MY advice and opinion on what you should do.

Since you just turned 15, I'm afraid that you might get hurt in certain way. I say be patient till you're able to secure self financial. I suggest telling them around the age of 21-24

Allah is with you.


A Believer In Heart
Assalam Alaykium Warxma tulaah Wabarakat.

Well, first of all Congradultaion and welcome to the TTI and Islam. May Allah SWT make your journey an easy journey. Second have faith that everything will be ok. Now, you can tell your parents the truth and get it over with. Just call your parents and tell them the truth. I don't real have advice for you because it seem easy to me (born Muslim) but it is not so i pray to Allah SWT to make it easy for you. Be brave.

Wassalamu Salaam


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Esselamu Aleikum

May Allah reward you for you bravery and courage. I think the best possible way would be if you dont tell them directly, but try to go around the subject and see their reaction. try to talk about islam. if they react to harsh, then do not tell them now, but wait for better timing. May Allah be with you and help you to overcome this, and straiten your eeman. ameen!!



Junior Member

To convert to Islam is a great decision anyone has ever made. And great decisions need great persons, I am sure you are that great person. On the other hand, to make such great decision, you need to sucrifice, for it is impossible to gain and embrace a beautiful and superb religion like Islam without great efforts and sucrifice... However, remember that for a great decision like this only the first step is difficult, others will be going smoothly, with the help of Allah.

The difficulity you are facing now is how to tell your parents. Right, it is not easy, especially for your situation as you described your family. The first step you have already taken, asking others for advice. You are absolutely right. The second step is to get some ideas from these brothers and sisters who advise you. Then take an action after you have prayed and asked Allah for help. To simplify:

1. Pray and ask Allah for help, Who has power over the earth and the heavens.

2. Try to be more friendly, helpful and respectful to your parents than ever, until they will see a change in your behavious and personality. This is the core of Islam, to do goodness towards our parents.

3. They will then try to find out why their daughter has changed, soon or late, either they know that you have become a Mulsim or pave the road for you to tell them. So, what you are supposed to do is to be patient, but colse to Allah and stick to the faith you want to devote your life for.

Do not be afraid, Allah is the Greatest, and for sure He will help you!

Best Wishes, kind regards
Liverpool, THE UK.


Here to help
assalam Alikom sister
welcome to islam:D

this site gives good advice^
always keep it, its handy lol:)
so yeah you should wait for about a yearr or so ..

May Allah Help us to stand up for what we believe in against the face of oppression..
May Allah help bring understanding to our non-Muslim neighbors ..

remeber to always put your trust and faith in Allah (swt) and may you be from the winners:)
wasalam alikom...


While telling them the truth can have some negative repercussions, I think you should tell them. There's no reason to hide your beliefs; in fact, you should be proud of them.

If they over-react, then that's their problem. However, they're your parents, and you should expect the best from them. You don't need to make a big deal out of it. Just if it comes up, and they ask you something pertaining to religion, make your opinion known.

There's not much they can do about your personal beliefs short of brain-washing, so as long as you don't keep bringing it up, it shouldn't turn into a festering problem.

Now, don't get me wrong, there's a big chance telling them can make life at home very awkward.

But I think you should be true to yourself nonetheless :)


Junior Member
And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). (2) And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things. (3)(quran 2:2-3)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
Assalamu Aleykum
I recently came to know Islam Feb. 4th, so I am new muslim. It took much confidence to do the right thing, I mean the strength...especially growing up a Christian it was a very hard desicion for me... but I must face another hard desicion...and that is telling my parents
Well My parents Strict Christians,When i say strict i mean like I am only aloud to listen to certain music, have to go to church with my family, prayer at dinner table etc. my mother wants everything Christian in her home,, goes to church every sunday etc... and then theres me...I have to admit I have gone through many faises in my life as a teenager, but I know this isnt a faise...I want to devote my life to Islam to be a good muslim...
and I cant do this by hiding what I believe...HOW DO I TELL MY FAMILY! (by the way i recently turned 15 this march)...(mostly my mother and father) I just dont know how to bring it up, they will be soo ashamed and they will look at me differently, i dont want to feel unconfortable around them( I want to be able t tell me,, but how! I cant hide this anymore...does anyone have any ideas or thoughts?? I am in need...I dont want to go a year without them knowing...I just want to get it over with....PLEASE HELP!:SMILY176:

Salam alaikom my dear sister/brother in Islam. First of all I just want to say that I am so happy Allah has chosen to guide you to Islam at such a young age. Alhamulillah. I am so very happy for you! I am sure living with Islam as your way of life will be a great journey for you. You are very brave to take such a big step, especialy with your family being such strickt Christians.

I would love to tell you that telling your parents will be easy but you and I both know it wont, and when you do it will be very hard to deal with but no matter what happens just remember that you have Allah (swt) by your side and he is the strongest supporter, helper and provider that we have :). So Inshallah just ask Allah to help you be strong to tell your parents.

There are a lot of different ways you could tell your parents. If just depends on your relationship with your parents. If you are very close to them, then you should just be able to sit them down and tell them to their face. But remember to do it in a kind way and in everything that you do, set a good example for islam in being a good muslim.

I dont know your relationship with your parents. I am very close to my mother so I was able to just tell her and the rest of my family, but my father is a different story, I still havent told him I have embraced Islam. He is a very strickt and hard man, so for my dad because he is a different story to my mother I wrote him a letter explaining everything to him. I think for me this is the best way to actually be able to say everything i want. Although I havent given the letter to him yet, he will be able to see that for the past year and 3 months that i have been a muslim for, I havent changed and I am still me and that being a muslim isnt hurting anyone so there is no reason for him to be upset about my decision.

It will be a different story for you because your family are Christian, my father doesnt follow a religion. Just ask Allah (swt) to guide you Inshallah. If you feel that you have to tell them now then Inshallah tell them, if not then just wait until you think the time is right for you. But if you think that not telling them will come between you and your faith then maybe you should.

If your parents say they are ashamed of you, just say that you still believe in God.... Just in a different way to them and that no matter what you will still always love them and respect them. Inshallah they will be ok with your decision in the future.

I hope Inshallah that everything works out for you. May Allah help you and keep you on the right path Inshallah. Keep us updated with how everything goes. Wasalam

Your sister, Asiya.