Advice any1?


Junior Member
I'm trying to b a better person
Im only 13 but Ive been through a lot
I live In New York and go to a public school and I'm trying to keep up being a muslim and American
I am also Bangladeshi
My parents and my family has really big expectations from me
Its really hard to be 3 things at once
Does anybody have advice for me?
I have to keep up with education,manners, salah,Quran,Islam,and my culture.
So far- I cover and wear the hijab
and even though always questioned and sometimes hated for this reason I am proud to be a muslim. Though I try my best to pray, sometimes I end up missing some prayers. I also have some friend problems and its hard to avoid people who constantly are on your case.
Any advice wud help!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Assalamu alaikum little sister!

I am not very good with adivce, but as no one has yet said anything I will try my best.

Eventhough you are a young sister, mashallah you have a mature mind.
So i will give you a mature advice.
Keep praying and observe all islamic obligations as they bring discipline, dedication and purpose into your life and you won't feel lost.

Secondly, you will always be in direct contact with your Lord
Thirdly, inshallah, it will keep you out of trouble and away from the wrong folks and thus you will avoid confrontation with your parents too.

When you are a good muslimah, inshallah, you will be a better Bangladeshi, better daughter and hopefully a better pal to your colleagues.

May Allah protect you and help you. Ameen

Al Qassimi

Junior Member
Salam Aliekom,

For such a young age, that you care about such things is enough to see that you do want to be in the stiaght path.

Before we go into this, your putting way too much stuff into your mind that you might explode. You need to relax to be able to know how to get things done.

Now concering your question, first thing is Islam: What you should do is learn step by step. First start praying on time, fasting Ramadan, Zakat, then Hajj. See what is forbidden, etc.

Second, try to manage your time. Pray time, when to study. Time Management and being organized is a good thing to gain at such a young age.

Now concering people who are always on you, hehe, my Dad is always on me since I was young and he's still on me. So, just get used to it:p, patience is a great weapon.

I hope I answered your questions

Do not forget, that Allah is with you everywhere and inshallah He will strengthen you:)



Junior Member
Salam Sister,
Tests come in very different shapes and times.
This is your test...
Can you overcome it?
If you do so at this age then imagine how bright your future will be.


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikom, Masha Allah, what a good head you have on your shoulders little sister! Stay true to Islam and continue to pray as often as possible. Do not worry about friend problems, friends come and go but Allah is always there for you. Be obedient to Allah and your parents and Insha Allah, you will get stronger and more confident every day. May Allah reward you for your efforts of self-improvement.


Junior Member
It is overwhelming isn't it.......
When it gets too much, just say Bismillahirahmannirrahim
and go forward and be the best that YOU can be.
Insha allah, things will get better when you are feeling low.
Allahu Akbar.

abu turaab

Junior Member
I'm trying to b a better person
Im only 13 but Ive been through a lot
I live In New York and go to a public school and I'm trying to keep up being a muslim and American
I am also Bangladeshi
My parents and my family has really big expectations from me
Its really hard to be 3 things at once
Does anybody have advice for me?
I have to keep up with education,manners, salah,Quran,Islam,and my culture.
So far- I cover and wear the hijab
and even though always questioned and sometimes hated for this reason I am proud to be a muslim. Though I try my best to pray, sometimes I end up missing some prayers. I also have some friend problems and its hard to avoid people who constantly are on your case.
Any advice wud help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:salam2:the advice is....learn your deen with love and care!..little one!!